View Full Version : Anybody got a Cold/Flu?

18-12-11, 17:27
In the past 48 hours I've felt rotten, feel tried, weak, blocked nose, sore throat feel like doing nothing..feel like I'm dying as I'm tired..

I'm hoping I can make work tomorrow..anybody else feel low right now? :blush:

18-12-11, 17:37
Yup loads of it about.

18-12-11, 17:53
I have a cold too. Feel so stuffy! I flew to Spain yesterday for Christmas, and my ear got all blocked up! I am hoping it will go away, because I don't have a doctor here, and I am here for 3 weeks!

18-12-11, 18:06
There is a lot of it going round right now. I was in the middle of sorting out my son's Birthday dinner on Tuesday afternoon when I noticed my throat felt a bit scratchy. By the time we sat down to dinner I just wanted to go to bed. Spent the whole night awake as the whole side of my throat felt like it was lined with razor blades.

Next day I had a fever and was going to stay in bed. However I had an appt to go and see the Moorfields eye specialist and I knew that if I didn't go and had to wait till January to see them that I would kick myself all over Christmas. So I got OH to drive me there and somehow I got through it.

Thursday I actually didn't feel too bad and managed to go to my OH's Christmas dinner and at that point I thought I was actually getting better.

However Friday I woke up with my head feeling awful, my throat sore again and also had a cough. I then had to sit through a 90min root canal appt that I wish I could have cancelled, but they were going to charge me 25% of the consultation fee if I didn't turn up, which would have been over £100, so I once again had no choice.

I spent most of Saturday just sitting on the sofa and even today, although I do feel a fair bit better, I'm far from well and haven't been able to get into town to do any Christmas shopping as I can't handle the thought of rushing around the shops feeling like this.

18-12-11, 18:16
got a bit of a cold had it few weeks
god bless

18-12-11, 18:35
another razor blade sore throat here too...started with a cold on Wednesday but sore throat didn't kick in until Friday and, my goodness, it's painful!

18-12-11, 21:06
I've had it since wednesday. Mine started with a sore throat thay got worse and worse and is still awful. I've now got a streaming nose that literally won't stop running. I feel dreadful!

18-12-11, 21:15
I feel tired and like I'm on a planet of my own..all dazed is this anxiety too and the cold? can I manage work tomorrow?

22-12-11, 21:37
Well I feel worse today..hot and cold and tired worried about swine flu keep getting lots of panic attacks sat suffering all day. :weep:

22-12-11, 21:48
I didn't think swine flu was around anymore

25-12-11, 20:01
I worry about it (Swine Flu) because it has killed apparently healthy people. I know it's included in the flu jab this year but still worries me that I could get it - I'm actively really scared at the moment about this as everyone seems ill :(