View Full Version : Hygeinist qualified as a dentist -Need Reassurance

06-06-06, 11:12

I'm still worrying about my mouth.

I have had it checked out by a hygeinist who said nothing to worry about but I'm still worrying if they are not as qualifed as a dentist?

I might be worrying over nothing but does anybody know if they are as qualified as a dentist when looking at roof of your mouth?

If I'm honest I'm worried of mouth cancer?

She said it was puffy but skin colour ok and no lumps etc.
My wide says it looks red.

Should I ignore it like she said or should I see a doctor or is that wasting time?


06-06-06, 11:38
Hi Tony

I know it's difficult but I really would try not to worry.

I'm not sure whether they are as qualified as dentists but I'm sure they have seen just as many mouths and would be able to spot anything that looked unusual.

The roof of my mouth is not completely smooth or symetrical and I think it's always been like it...I do occasionally worry about it when I am tired of worrying about all my other life threatening diseases!!! Deep down I think I know its nothing to worry about.

Hope you can get past worrying about this so much.

Take care



11-06-06, 19:51
Hi all,

I'm pretty proud of myself as I still have not rushed to the doctor with my mouth (well it sounds daft but not running to the doctor is great for me).

The mouth still appears the same, nothing bigger or smaller, so do you people think I should forget about it as my wife and hygeinist said there are no lumps etc.


11-06-06, 21:29

If there had been a single shred of doubt in your hygenists mind she would have referred you on for further review, and as for your questiom about hygenists and dentists, there is no substitute for experience, i am a nurse and while that means im no doctor , if i have seen something 50 times and a doctor only a few i would say that my experience would put me well able to know what i was talking about and able to hold my own with a more qualified colleague. Hope this helps.
ps. i havent seen your mouth but im pretty sure you dont have mouth cancer.

I just want my life back

11-06-06, 22:47
Hi Tony,

As far as Im aware, your symptoms of puffiness does not indicate mouth cancer. There are many things that can cause your mouth to be slightly different to usual.

I really would try not to worry about it, if your Hygenist was worried at all, she would of refferred you to get it checked.

Have you eaten anything acidy to cause it to become puffy?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

14-06-06, 09:24

I'm not sure, I can not remember anything, which caught my mouth when eating etc.

I forgot about it for the last two days but this morning I have started to worry again, just can not understand it!
