View Full Version : So confused

19-12-11, 02:37
Please can someone give me some advice,

Went to my GP last week for the first time and tried to explain how Ive been feeling recently. He didnt seem that comfortable to be honest...said that he would like to do blood tests (which I know is normal) first to see if anything physical causing my symptoms before we assume its "stress or whatever". He actually did the inverted commas with his hands literally. I asked if I should come back and see him after the results, he said if physical yes if not no and handed me a help group type leaflet without really explaining what it was, just saying call them if not physical. I at least came away happy I was getting blood tests.

I have actually slept 6 hours since thursday. All the previous week I had very disturbed sleep waking up with throbbing all through my chest and body, trouble breathing every few hours. Since early hours friday I have been wide awake apart from the odd hour. Freaking out abit now. Even when I havnt had the bad heart, I am just wide eyed and my mind goes a mile a minute bouncing around from one idea to the next.

I dont feel sad, depressed or stressed but this keeps happening which is worrying me even more. Also, I know about anxiety feelings etc, when we worry. But has anyone ever heard of the opposite where they have a good thought, or something happens that is good and you are pleased but it seems to cause all anxiety symptoms (but in a delirious way) to the extent they cant function. Cant stop thinking of it, heart pounding, sore chest, cant breathe, detached feeling but so excited like bouncing off the walls. I feel that sometimes - not sure if thats bad or good.

When I went to see my GP, he never prescribed me anything. Just gave me my blood tests form. I really dont feel right though and dont know if I should go back? Ive even resorted to having afew drinks to try and calm me down and try and get some sleep, but I dont feel like its done anything. I nearly cried when I did as Its not me at all :weep:

19-12-11, 08:09
there is something not right, and it doesn't sound as though your GP took it seriously enough, you can see a different doctor if you wish.

19-12-11, 11:11
Thanks Harvestmouse,

I went back this morning and saw another who GP who said to go ahead with the blood tests but in his view i am very anxious which is causing all symptoms. I got really upset and said I need something to help me but he was so so reluctant said it would make me worse for a few weeks and do I really want that. I said I at least need something to help me sleep then, Ive been crying all morning and threw up twice (!) because of tiredness and getting so worked up. If I get a decent sleep I am relatively ok in the daytime, he was still so against it. Had to more or less argue with him. He was ready to send me away again with nothing. Eventually, he gave me a weeks worth of sleeping tablets but was very stern that i`m having no more than that. Ive never had meds etc so have no idea how it all works.

Obviously, they cant just give tablets out really easily but has anyone struggled to get help like this?