View Full Version : Absolutely terrified! .. The doctor wants to see me!

19-12-11, 10:55
I rang the doctor and explained that I had been feeling detatched and feeling a bit unreal and told her my fears about going crazy and she said she would like to see me! Does this mean I'm going crazy!?
I'm so scared that I have psychosis or something and that they are going to lock me away, I feel so so terrified, I don't want to go crazy! I just really don't feel myself! Help :( :( x

19-12-11, 11:08
You arent going crazy, the fact your doc wants to see you is a good thing, she/he wants to help you. x

19-12-11, 11:10
The good news is, if you feel and you are scared of going crazy, then you are NOT!

If you were Psychotic, then you would think that your behaviour is perfectly normal and the last thing you would do is call the Doctor to express your concern.

The Doctor will need to see you in order to help you and discuss your feelings and worries in more detail. Forget about locking you up as well.

You are suffffering from nothing more than Anxiety I believe and this would be the reason for the Doctors appointment.


19-12-11, 11:18
I'm just so scared in gonna lose it and end up locked away for Christmas and that no one will be able to help me, I'm scared I'm gonna lose my mind and forget who I am and who everyone is around me, this is horrible! X

19-12-11, 12:13
Your suffering a bad case of the what ifs and what ifs rarely actually happen. YOur Dr has to see you in case you are suicidal, my husband has lifelong severe depression and is fine as long as he takes his prozac but without them he is suicidal and has attempted suicide so I know all the protocol at Gps for mental health issues. YOur Dr has to see you because if you were suicidal then help is on offer immediately, imagine if she did not see you and you harmed yourself she would be in deep trouble so she is just ticking boxes as HOrse says.

AGain as horse says if you think you are going mad then you aren't!

It will be a good chance to discuss your severe anxiety with her.