View Full Version : Lightheadedness -constant!

19-12-11, 12:39

I just wanted to find out how many people suffered from feelings of lightheadedness all the time? i feel like i'm sorta on the verge of fainting 24/7! it almost feels like a less severe state you get in when you have a panic attack? the passing out feeling? I also get another feeling like i am 'dropping' or 'falling' - this just tends to me for a few seconds though. I can also feel like objects around me are bigger than they are? - very hard to explain, sort of a bit 'trippy'.
I just REALLY want to find out if others are in this sort of state constantly as i'm so worried its something else (even though i've seen a neurologist etc and they havent found anything wrong) i just feel, that if i didnt have this light head all the time, i wouldnt be anxious!!

any responces would be great :-)

19-12-11, 15:32
Hi Sunday,

I get this a lot along with severe blurred vision, it is so horrible and frightening Im especially bad in shops/supermarkets for some reason. You feel like your'e going to fall over collapse. I too got checked out and they found nothing. The advice from others is to try and not to focus on it so much. It will pass and it deffo sound like anxiety.

I hope this helps in some way

sending a :hugs:

19-12-11, 17:11
thanks carefree! would you say you have it most days, all day long?

19-12-11, 17:18
In the last 3 weeks dizziness/lightheadedness everyday. Blurred vision all day long. Does it feel like tunnel vision and the floor is disappearing beneath you and you feel like you are walking on quicksand? Im trying really hard not to focus on it but 50% says anxiety 50% say get it checked out again.

I think we need to be patient I think all my senses are heightened at the mo with xmas approaching. Im sorry you feel so awful and its good to Know Im not alone.

19-12-11, 17:52
i've had this for 6 months now, and its really frustrating and worrying -like you i go in waves of 'its anxiety' then..'no it must be something else' all day long i think like this (which is probably feeding even more). I feel like i could faint, all day, the other feelings are quite like you have explained - its sorta like i'm shrinking and things around me are getting big?! its a bit hard to discribe! i dont have blurred vision or anything.

19-12-11, 18:11
I had vertigo for about a year... dizziness, falling sensation walking in quicksand they discovered (MRI) my sinus's were blocked even though I had no sinus pain. also had tinitus in ears, have you had that checked out? just a thought. But i have also been told there is really nothing they can do, sinus drain maybe as a last resort.

29-12-11, 01:09
Carefree68 this sounds like what I am going through. Had a bad chest/sinus cold for 2 weeks and now I am going through the dizziness, lightheadedness. My throat is not sore, no runny nose but my cheeks hurt, behind the eyes, and my ears feel plugged. I know the dizziness is probably related to the sinuses and should go to the doctor but worried something else is going on. Thanks for your post, makes me feel better!

29-12-11, 09:43
had a few brief spells of this, its awful, to have 24/7 must be scary.

29-12-11, 11:57
I have this feeling going for hours and days sometimes, i have it even now..

Sometimes it just fades away and I feel OK again, but usually it is there.

I know what you are talking about, try not to focus on it.

29-12-11, 12:45
I had this all the time and still get periods of it and mine turned out to be an inner ear infection, nothing to worry about but it could explain your feelings :) mine was the ear infection made worse by my anxiety, you could have the same as what I had :) xx

29-12-11, 17:50
Hey this is one of my main symptoms of my anxiety it used to be alot worse one time it lasted up to a year! I have no idea why it happens! It stops me going out when this happens x

29-12-11, 22:39
I've been getting this too for about 10 weeks, seems to settle down when am in my own surroundings but gets extremely worse when am out shopping or talking to other people apart from my DH and kids I feel like theres an edge to everything , the grounds coming up towards we and feel off balance. I did go to the DRs last week and he thinks i've had an inner ear infection called labyrinthtis. Unfortunatly anxiety makes it worse then the worse you get you get anxeity like a vicous circle. Its awful and I treuly sympathise with you xxx