View Full Version : Alcohol with Cipralex?

19-12-11, 13:15
I started on 5mg of Cipralex 2 weeks ago which I think my dr will increase to 10mg when I go tomorrow. So far I've found it to be pretty good, a few days of adverse effects but after that, not too bad.

We're approaching Christmas and I will most likely be wanting a drink at some point over the festive period, and I wondered what people's experiences are with Cipralex and alcohol?

19-12-11, 14:00
You will have to see how it affects you .Its not advisable to drink heavily .It will cause you to have increased Anxiety the next day .You may find it makes you tired and its possible it will have an enhanced effect .Avoid spirits if you can and stick to Beer and Wine to be on the safe side ..Have a good Christmas ,being sensible is always SAFER .T/c Sue x

19-12-11, 14:03
Hi jaz, yes same as suzy, i could,nt drink at first on my ad's, but as my body adjusted i was able to have a couple of glasses of wine.

just take care, as alcohol is a depressant , so tred carefully, you don't want to increase your symptoms, have a great christmas x

19-12-11, 20:28
I'm on 10mg and during the first month or so didn't take any alcohol but as i got more used to the meds, I'm able to drink a few glasses of wine, beer or spirits now and again without any problem. The booze tends to affect me more quickly and so I keep the number of drinks to a minimum.

Best advice is to start very slowly - I started with 1/4 glass of wine and slowly worked up to a full glass over a couple of weeks. Just don't ever overdo it - for many reasons - but mostly as mentioned already, alcohol is a depressant and can lead to increased anxiety in the short run.