View Full Version : Cough with occassional crackly sound in chest?! worried its something bad!

19-12-11, 15:24

I have been in the wars lately with cold after cold, but had been cold free for about 3-4 weeks when I came down with a bit of a tickly cough with a bit of phlem its not a really bad cough but its there for most of the day. I also have a bit of a crackly sound every now and then two which when I googled (I know terrible of me!!!!) most posts said that it was most likely bronchitis or pnemonia!!!! which as you can understand has given me a huge panic attack and freak out that something is really wrong, I tried to call the doc but they dont have anything free today so will have to wait til tomorrow?!

anyone else had this?

Fi xx

19-12-11, 16:00
I had something similar a few weeks ago. Over a period of a few days I developed a bubbling sound and feeling in my lower left lung. Obviously my HA went into overdrive! i wasn't coughing up much phlegm but it was there everytime i breathed in and out. I went to the Docs and only managed to see the Nurse Practioner. She listened to my chest and said she could hear something on my lung, so I knew it wasn't just my imagination. She gave me a perscription for Amoxicillin. that was on the Friday and by the Sunday I could take it anymore and went to A&E. I ended up having a chest x-ray which showed I had an infection in the lung and the Doctor gave me strong antibiotics which after a week cleared it.

It wasnt a nice experience but its gone completely now.

19-12-11, 16:27
Oh no Taffy that sounds terrible, I'm a bit (more) worried now.... :( its not there everytime I breath in and out just occasionally, I'm extra worried as there are very few antibiotics I can take as am allergic so don't know what I will do if it is something serious, just hoping it is a cough that goes away on its own... eeeekkk.

fi x

19-12-11, 16:35
No need to get into a real panic yet! Whenever I get a cold I get whats called tracheitis which is inflammation of the trachea and its viral and every single time I get it I get the slight rattling sound in my throat when I breathe out but not in. Obviously the problem is that only a Dr can tell if its coming from your lungs or your throat. If you have chest infection or horror of horrors pneumonia then you really will be struggling to breathe especially when you lay down.

As its coming up to xmas then I would see the Dr just so they can listen and tell if your lungs are clear, you don't need antibiotics for viral infections in your throat trachea but you do if they can hear a rattle in your lungs.

19-12-11, 17:47
Hello you sound just like me with having cold after cold, mine started just after i had my second baby 5 months ago I have just had cold after cough after sinus congestion after cold it only seems to go for a week or two then i feel like i am getting another cold, it is just going round our house all the time we can't seem to shake it off, i had some antibiotis a few weeks ago for a cough as it was making my chest ache and coughing up coloured phlem(sorry) they worked but yesterday and today felt like the cough is back i am so sick of it, it is starting to worry me that i am getting one thing after another i am going to docs on friday to check with them i hope it is maybe just time of year and maybe my immune system is a bit weak after having my baby and the lack of sleep, sorry to go on, i think you will be fine but go to docs even if just for peace of mind take care xx

19-12-11, 18:31
Thanks all for your responses. It doesn't seem so bad at the moment but I will go up to the docs in the morning just to make sure.

Toria, it is such a relief to hear that someone else is going through the same issues! My son is 2 and I literally feel like I go from one cold to sinus congestion to cough etc, etc for the last 2 years! Plus to make things worse he has been at nursery for 4 months now and gets literally everything known to mankind and therefore so do we! I'm just so sick of being sick, I don't think I even remember what it feels like to go for a good few months feeling healthy and able to get on with things. I'm taking 1000mg vit c and zinc and a super duper multivitamin but nothing really seems to be helping. I too am a bit scared that there is something underlying causing my immune system to not fight things off, but also like you, I get such little sleep my body never gets to rest and recover.

Ah well, heres hoping things pick up for us REAL SOON!!!

19-12-11, 22:18
Not to worry you but my story is similar to Taffys!

Mine turned out to be pneumonia - been on super strong antibiotics and slowly on the mend! I was coughing up blood though so i knew something was seriously wrong.

You might just have a mild chest infection! Just pop to your GP's as soon as possible :hugs:

20-12-11, 13:13
I do seem to be better today, no crackle or wheeze just a bit of a phlemy cough (sorry) will see how I go by tomorrow have been doing all the right things, steams, cough strepsils, manuka honey, hot drinks, vitamins etc so far seems to be working...

thanks for your advice all.