View Full Version : Laughter that turns into crying.. anyone get this too?

19-12-11, 18:12
Or is it just me?! Just asking out of interest.
Sometimes something tickles me so much, I can't stop laughing, and then it's like it goes over the 'edge' and turns into crying somehow! (not that I actually feel sad)
I wonder if it's that I don't laugh enough generally, or maybe some of that tension coming out all in one go!

Anyone else have experience of this?

19-12-11, 18:17
Laughing so much you cry is a good thing!!

19-12-11, 20:22
It is! haha, but my crying can turn into real crying -not just tears. I just asked out of interest, as a lighter hearted subject! =)

19-12-11, 20:30
oh thats strange if it turns into crying as in its no longer because of the laughter then maybe its not so fun!