View Full Version : Trying the flooding technique

19-12-11, 18:24
So I've been trying to define my anixety for a long time as I go through phases of having certain phobias. Right now I'm going through the phobia of puking in front of my boyfriend. I can think about puking enough to the point where my body reacts and does. We've been dating for 8 months and my anxiety didn't really exist around him until I had an anxiety attack around him and puked in his parent's car (horrifying). He's extremely understanding and patient but I still can't help but think about it and sometimes have to skip meals so I won't have anything to puke up if I think about it. My therapist told me this is more generalized anxiety than social as it is only around him and that I cannot stop thinking about it. She told me the technique of flooding which is you pretty much push yourself through uncomortable situations at once. I went out to eat with him last week and he drove and I didn't puke or worry too badly. I also started taking acid reducers so the bile resides more. So since I did so well last week, tomorrow he's picking me up for school and taking me to lunch afterwards. I'm going to push myself and eat breakfast too. This morning I did and I did have a few anxious moments but for the most part I talked and breathed my way through it and I was fine. The only thing that sucks with this puking thing is that when I try to challenge myself with it, you can tell if I fail. Is anyone even similar to this situation? I'd really appreciate some feedback! Thanks! :blush: