View Full Version : Sickness

19-12-11, 21:31
I've had an awful few days with very little sleep, today has been horrible. More physical like my whole front chest and stomach muscles contracting and going so tight it's so painful and im struggling to breathe. This had been for most of the day. I've also vomitted three times :( does anyone else get this?

Went back to my doc today due to severe lack of sleep and he's presribed a weeks worth of sleeping tablets. I'm abit scared to take them though. Not on any other medication at the moment.

So worked up it's just awful

19-12-11, 21:40
hi :)

yes had this retching tight chest feeling before lots of times . You are exhausted and the anxiety symptoms seem never ending .
You need rest so in my opinion take the sleeping tablet prescribed by your doctor . Nothing nasty will happen to you and you may get sleep . When you are rested life seems more manageable promise xx
Would ask you to go back to doctor and talk some more about help long term re meds and therapy for future . good luck and dont be scared of taking the tablets
I always like others here have similar tummy retching /vomiting symptoms .

20-12-11, 15:44
Thanks for reply Snowgoose,

Managed to sleep abit last night so more focused today. Still though as soon as I opened my eyes this morning my whole chest tightened and ive been uncomfortable all day. Im waiting to see someone about CBT so thats a start. I suppose if it gets unbearable day to day ill need to go back and see GP about meds to help aswell

Thanks again