View Full Version : All of a sudden scared of mold! :(

19-12-11, 21:49
Hey guys, so i WAS surfing the celebrity gossip when I saw an article about Brittany Murphy(this had caused a major health anxiety for me) and they're now saying that there's a high chance the starlet was infected with high levels of mold. THEY're saying the same for her husband who died not too long afterwards as well.

I have to admit that I'm absolutely terrified of this because lately I've been having a bad tight chest, breathing issues and i always wake up with a studdy nose.

I didn't look up the symptoms of having mold in your body but I don't know, I'm freaking out!:weep:

19-12-11, 22:28

Her death caused me a lot of HA too.

So much so that when i got sick at the end of November, i convinced myself i had pneumonia .... turns out i actually did which as i'm sure you can imagine was difficult to deal with.

Anyway, if i remember rightly, the official cause of death was pneumonia with secondary factors of anemia and drug intoxication?

The mold thing is just speculation.

Either way, she was a very sick person at the time of her death and her self medicating contributed to her death. She never went to see a doctor.

In other words, if you're feeling fluish, see a doctor, eat enough iron and don't OD on over the counter medicine!

You'll be fine :hugs:

19-12-11, 22:47
Aww thanks Andromeda,:hugs:

I don't feel fluish at all, its just a slight nose thing.

The tight chest is from the stupid anxiety. I have my last two finals today and i ALSO HAD TWO today and i did well but was so anxious is class that i had a panic attack during on of my exams.:mad:

Just now I took a deep breath and my chest muscle made such a loud popping noise, that's what I get for hyperventialting :yesyes: