View Full Version : Scary bloodrush !

19-12-11, 22:28
Heyy.. I've just had a major panic attack because I had a bloodrush, achy, burning sensation in my legs, my legs felt like they were gonna drop off! It sent me into major anxiety and obviously.. They got worse :( its just about gone now I just feel achy, does anyone else get this? I'm really scared about it :( x

19-12-11, 22:30
Have you got any other symptoms with this ache?

Have you been very active today?

19-12-11, 22:32
No no other symptoms with it.. Just major anxiety and panic, I've been slightly more active than normal but not much x

19-12-11, 22:38
Leg cramp, muscle fatigue, the list goes on. I assure you, no serious illness is in that list though

You are perfectly fine, the symptom has subsided - it's just anxiety, you're trying to convince yourself something is seriously wrong when it's not.

Have you taken plenty of water? Have a hot shower too, that should relieve the muscles.

You're okay :hugs: