View Full Version : Don't know what to do..

19-12-11, 22:49
Hi there,

I am new to this forum, I have browsed on and off for a year or so.
I have had anxiety, panic attacks and ocd for about 6 years now.

I had a point where it was managable for a while but it feels like now it is coming back thick and fast and even the tiniest thing is worrying me.

I have had pains in my back and stomach the past 3 weeks, me being me instantly thought that it was my appendix, but after getting checked by a doctor she said she thought it was related to my back pain. But tonight yet again the pain came back in my stomach and the rollercoaster of emotions started again and all logical thought goes out the window.

It's very hard for me to be open and honest about this as it makes me feel very embarrassed that I am the way I am, I feel that with the age I am (I'm 26 and married) that I should be very grown up about these things and not let my anxiety get a hold over me.. Altho as I'm sure most people know, that's easier said than done.

Thanks for reading :)

21-12-11, 11:04
Don't feel embarrassed!
Anxiety has no age restriction! It's just one of those things and it's not like you can help it!
Go back to your doctor about the back pain, as you may have trapped a nerve/ strained a muscle which can radiate pain all through your body, causing your stomach to hurt as well!
About your anxiety coming back, See a counsellor, join a support group, go on meds etc. Without the right support you will struggle but it's nothing to be ashamed about!
It happens to the best of us xxx