View Full Version : Bladder pain

19-12-11, 22:53
So my first attack was 5/6 years ago in the bladder area (pelvic)..

The pain is quiet hard to describe but i will try my best.

So it felt like somebody was stabbing me in th bladder and I couldn't stand up straight the pain was so intense, it was about 10pm and my mom refused to take me to the ER because she had to get up for work soon and said im fine...it didnt matter what position I was in it was painful, I crawled upstairs to bed and found out curling up in a ball hurt the least and i couldn't sleep with the pain even my dog knew I was in pain as he'd just stare at me instead of sleeping like normal.
The pain was under the belly button in the middle and also it seemed like the left side of my stomach was swollen abit but i'm not 100% sure..

This happened a month ago and I havent seen the doctor as I can't right now..but i've felt dull pains in the same area and sometimes the left side, sometimes the pain is gone and it just feels like my lower abdomen is tight like the muscles its very uncomfortable..

It don't hurt when I pass urine (it only did when i had the attack), I have been eating mainly crap lately I won't lie and stopped being physically active at the gym and workouts as I used too, I also had unprotected sex with a girl i've known for ages and she said she was clean and that was about 2 months ago now..I have a small bump on the rim of my penis head looks like a pimple and you can't see it unless the skin is pulled back..and as i have no school I haven't showered much grossly haha..

Also I've ALWAYS had to force myself to "number 2" i can't just relax for something like that..I either force or I have to go so i go haha..I also carried 108 square bales of hay into the barn for the horses alone like 2 days ago so maybe the weird feeling i have now is from over working that muscle? It can be so many things im almost 18...also today i just started having left sided chest pains.

Thanks for your time :(

20-12-11, 01:43
Stabbing pains are common with anxiety, so that shouldn't worry you too much although I would reccomend a check up at the docs when it's possible.

Regarding the problems with your penis, it could just be due to lack of hygiene and easily treatable but again I'd get it looked at.

I force myself to poo too due to anxiety, just learn to relax and distract yourself, I know it's harder than it sounds but trust me when you figure out how you can calm yourself down you'll feel better than ever.

20-12-11, 04:49
Sounds like it could be a bit of constipation I notice my bladder sometimes plays up when I am constipated. Otherwise considering your a guy that would rule out any menstrual problems because I do know my menstrual cycle usually always gives me cystitis symptoms.

Anyway since you arent getting any pain when you wee maybe it could be something to do with your bowels and eating alot of rubbish foods usually can increase the constipation. Also if you arent drinking much water this can cause bowel problems and most definitely bladder pain.

I would probably try a couple of days sipping water throughout the day try about two 750ml bottles of water and just sip it and then see how you feel and if the symptoms are still there then you will probably need to see your gp.

Can I ask why arent you allowed to see a gp right now?

A couple of years ago I actually went to A and E for similar well a pain on my right side of my pelvic area that was painful and making me cry so I got sent home from work and a friend took me to A and E. It wasnt anything to worry about and I was fine after some paracetemol the pain went away but comes back every now and then and it is linked with irritable bowel syndrome.

Anyway hope you get it sorted soon :)