View Full Version : Another night ruined by my HA

20-12-11, 00:10
So I have been obsessing with this red patch under my arm for exactly 3 weeks now and just over this last weekend I was beginning to calm down about it.

Well tonight it was my work's Xmas meal and I was feeling ok all today. Got myself ready tonight and literally 5 minutes before I was due to leave the house I decided to check under my arm. I now have another spot thing further down from the original one. So I went into complete panic and didnt think I would make it out the house. Got to the place for the meal but couldnt eat a thing. Am sure my colleagues think I am anorexic because I just cannot eat when I am lije this.

And now I cant sleep and am dreading how I will feel in the morning. I have had enough, I cant go on like this.

20-12-11, 00:39
think rationally about what it could be, a simple skin irritation? chaffing? reaction to shower gel!? in all probability its not! i know exactly how u feel cause i used to think i had menigitis, when it was just my jeans chaffing my calves ha!:hugs: hang in there!

20-12-11, 00:41
Keep trying to tell myself its probably just a spot or irritation. Just cant seem to control how I feel again. So looks like I will be back to constantly checking in the mirror again. I cant cope with this.

20-12-11, 00:51
Are you getting any help for the HA - like CBT?

20-12-11, 06:47
I have just been referred for CBT so just got to wait a few months for it now.