View Full Version : Five years on and worried!

20-12-11, 05:46
I began zoloft treatment five years ago for anxiety disorder and it turned my life around. Over the past couple of weeks I have had sever dizzy spells to the point of being hospitalized. They found nothing wrong with me, even after scanning everything possible. Now I am sitting here with permanent vertigo and an overwhelming sense that this could be the beginning of the anxiety rollerciaster again. Has anyone else experienced this after so long on meds?



20-12-11, 22:11
Not meds, but migraines. I got- get vertigo along side migraine- along side messed up vision which has brought me crashing back into the land of anxiety.

20-12-11, 23:08
Yes, check migraine and inner ear issues with doc. They have tests for balance.

21-12-11, 15:05
Has anybody mentoned that this could be labyrinthitis? Its an inner ear infection which starts off as severe dizzyness but then peters off so you just feel off balance? The off balance feeling can last up to 8 weeks and longer in some cases. Unfortunatly one of the side effects can be panic disorder, which in turn leads to a vicious circle as anxiety can cause the dizzyness to worsen. I would certainly mention the possibility to your Dr who then can refer you to ENT where they can do balance training e.t.c xxxx