View Full Version : just need some reasurrance

20-12-11, 08:59
im in a state of hitting a panic attack i hate the feeling its coming started last night kept saying im ok im ok if it was ill be really ill, then the news said it police man dies of an brain tumor that couldnt be op, (reason being insurance couldnt pay out life insurance for family) so i turned over quite quick then a selling tv page was talking how root ginger looks like a tumor, panic hit in is this a sign???? ive still got my eye twitch and doc didnt seem worried an opticians said all is ok, am i panicing to much over brain tumor im so not feeling confident and low i feel, ive been so busy with my work that im not worrying during day but then when i relax the eye twitch really bothers me so much please reply

20-12-11, 09:21
If you had a brain tumour you wouldn't just have an eye twitch, there would be many more severe symptoms, it's nothing to worry about especially of your doctor says tht it's okay :) x

20-12-11, 09:33
thanks for replying i used to get shooting head pains for months when on mertzapine now off the stuff for over 7 weeks ill got the odd twinge but nothing to say ive got a headace but ive got this twitch for 4 weeks ahhhh so annoying, why does our brains kick in the what if its a ???? i cant bare it anymore i do have more good days then bad but its that that puts me in this state of panic

20-12-11, 09:42
I'm exactly the same, I worry over everything I ever have! I thought I had a brain tumour a couple of weeks ago because I had severe headaches and vision problems and I couldn't think clearly, I rang my doctor and he said was nothing to worry about and is part of anxiety, its so hard to believe what anxiety does to you! I seem to have more good than bad too but even on my good days I find something to worry about! Xx