View Full Version : Nervous of Norovirus

Cell block H fan
20-12-11, 09:54
So it's december again & I get the same fear every year, this sickness bug. Never had it! But scared of it. I am slightly Emetaphobic, which got better after having kids. But I am petrified the kids & I will have our xmas ruined by it.
I work in a supermarket & dont finish work for xmas til thursday, worried someone will pass it on to me in a public place like that. I gather the incubation period is about 4 days??
Worried about going anywhere in public at the moment too in case I catch germs?
Anyone else worried about it? Saw on the news earlier that the amount of people with it this yr is 25% more than last year arrrghhhh :huh:
Has anyone had it? How long did it last?
I leave for work at 4am, & my 16 & 14 yr old are still in bed, I keep my phone on me at the moment at work in case one of them rings saying they have woken up sick, & we're not supposed to have phones on us, but it's the only way they can contact me!
I am being unreasonable aren't I?
Sorry it's soooo long! xxx

20-12-11, 21:40
As long as you do not go to a wc that other people use, you do not need to worry too much. People are very contageous during the illness and approximately 48 hours after the illness, end the wc is where you most easily get the virus from other people.
If you wash your hands very carefully before cooking and eating, you can avoid getting the virus in your system.
The incubation is 12-48 hours.
I am totally phobic over this myself, I know everything about it...

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

PS If you never had it, you might be immune! 20-25% of all people are immune.

Cell block H fan
21-12-11, 16:14
As long as you do not go to a wc that other people use, you do not need to worry too much. People are very contageous during the illness and approximately 48 hours after the illness, end the wc is where you most easily get the virus from other people.
If you wash your hands very carefully before cooking and eating, you can avoid getting the virus in your system.
The incubation is 12-48 hours.
I am totally phobic over this myself, I know everything about it...

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:39 ----------

PS If you never had it, you might be immune! 20-25% of all people are immune.

Oooh that would be nice. I think now I may have had it though, or something similar about 8 yrs ago, my then 6 yr old was sick on the friday night, then me & my 8 yr old son got ill on the sunday night. Vommitting, dihorea (sp) lasted a day or so & I coped ok thinking back. So possibly not immune, kids have had sickness since then at times, but I never go it again since.
Ok so that's easy enough, I won't use the public loos. I do keep washing my hands too.
And the good news is there is nothing on the news that I have seen today. So maybe it'll be ok. I hope! 1 more morning at work, then off until tuesday. So I expect i'll know by saturday if we are going to get it for xmas.
Thanks for replying x

22-12-11, 09:55
I have the exact same fear. I've never had it but constantly worried that I will especially aroud this time of year. I work in retail so always handling money and thats never good. Lots of germs carried this way.

Every little sicky feeling or headache I get makes me freak out.
I dont want to be ill for xmas or have it ruined either :(

23-12-11, 06:03
I'm in the same working in retail boat and knowing what people can be like when in a rush, I ALWAYS step up hand washing and the reason I'm awake at this time is because I'm worrying thinking I have picked up a stomach bug, as I was in a very crowded place yesterday/today and now I woke up at about 5 with an uneasy feeling in my stomach which led me into a total freak out, Especially as I'm having Christmas at my house this year, so if I was to be ill like that, I'd feel like I've ruined it for everybody visiting! Argh!