View Full Version : Obsessive fear of breast cancer

20-12-11, 12:27
Hi everyone,
I posted this in the HA forum, but I am still freaking out. I had a scaly itchy rash on my left nipple, and the doctor said it wasn't anything, just nipple eczema, and gave me a cream to put on it. It was getting better, and the doctor said if it responded to cream, then it isn't breast cancer. However, I stopped using the cream for 2 days and it came back. Now, I put the cream on twice a day, and it goes away, except for moments where it burns. I get so nervous that even if I feel a 'twinge' I think it is coming back. I don't know what to do! I am away for 3 weeks and can't speak to my doctor. I feel out of control. I am so scared that I have breast cancer. I don't know what to do!

22-12-11, 14:01

So sorry you are feeling like this - I have been there with BC worries and it is horrible. I get lots of twinges and mainly on one breast and whilst I would prefer not to get them I know now its normal.

Your Dr is right there is no way it would respond to cream and the fact that it comes back just means you haven't gotten rid of it. Certainly if it is excema it won't necessarily go completely but will get better with cream - so keep using it and do try and enjoy xmas.

I ruined xmas last year through awful worrying and I am still here and determined this year to try hard to not worry - it is so hard I know, but you deserve some fun xx

04-01-12, 10:42
Hi I 100% know how you feel, I am totally petrified that I have breast cancer, I keep getting twinges in my left breast, so am convinced that it can only be one thing. at the drs in 1hr, never felt so scared. Your Dr wouln't lie to you, if they were concerned at all they would tell you, they have to, its there job. hugs xx

06-01-12, 17:23
I was feeling better thanks to the comments you guys sent...and then I was so stupid and GOOGLED! I have been panicking all day because of the scaly rash coming back when I stopped using it. In my mind it can only be cancer, and I cannot seem to shift my thinking to think that it is something else. I just feel like going home to my parents (not an option, they live in the US) and giving up my degree and everything. I am in my final year, but I feel so anxious that I just want some sort of calm! I don't know what to do anymore!

07-01-12, 14:15
Google is so dangerous, stay away from it. I know all to well the overwhelming fear, its awful not being able to rationalise anything. don't give up on everything you have worked so hard for. Go back to your Dr and explain how bad your anxiety is. They will reasure you about your breast again, and will start to treat your anxiety. Hang in there, it will get better x

07-01-12, 16:04
Thanks for your kind words...sometimes that helps a lot...it always helps to know that I am not the only one worrying like I do!

07-01-12, 21:18
if its any reassurance at all, according to the American Cancer Institute, between 2000 and 2004, the breast cancer incidence rate for 20-24 year olds, was 1.4 per 100,000 women. More than likely, its just something that requires no more than cream. x

08-01-12, 04:11
I know *exactly* how you feel. I've had some real issues with the breast cancer fear in the last couple of days - I've been on my feet a lot and stressed, so my costochondritis has made my ribs hurt. Couple that with the fact that *my* nipple (just one) has been burning/itchy/dry, I could swear that I found a couple lymph nodes in both armpits (had to dig deep and they're nearly gone now, but I'm still stressing) and I've noticed what is either veins or stretchmarks on one breast - yeah, I'm a mess.

However, I DID Google, and the type of cancer you're referring to as far as the dry, scaly nipple (Paget's disease, I think it's called) is extremely rare in itself, especially for your/our age group (personally, I'm 20, I don't know how old you are). Slim to none chance you have it.

Also - it's winter, which in itself can cause your nipple(s) - which are sensitive - to act up with dry skin and itchiness, and if the cream worked but it came back, it just means that you need to give it a little longer with the cream.

So, yeah, I know how it is. (and xfilme, above, - thanks your stats helped me too) Just hang tight.

09-01-12, 10:25
I am 24 (and a half!), so I guess that I am in the same age group. I am still scared, but I am going to the doctor in an hour, and I guess I will just continue with the cream. I am feeling pretty anxious, but the statistics did help me relax a little bit! Thanks!