View Full Version : Not as anxious...which is making me anxious!?!

20-12-11, 13:43
So today I am not as anxious, which is worrying me because now I am afraid that if my anxiety goes I won't be myself anymore and will be like some mindless robot...is this normal? wtf :(

20-12-11, 13:47
hi im the same today.......cause i don't feel anxious i keep thinking how im feeling and im literally waiting for the anxiety to rear its ugly head on me!! ARGH we can't win xx

20-12-11, 13:56
It's not that I am waiting for the anxiety to come..It's more that I am worried as I am not as anxious so Im scared i am not going to be myself anymore and just a mindless robot who goes along in life and will lose myself..its hard to explain.

20-12-11, 14:32
Wouldn't you want the anxiety to go though so you could live an anxiety free life?

20-12-11, 14:41
I do want it to go!
I am just worried I will forget who I am etc when/if it goes.

Meh,I guess it's just me then

20-12-11, 14:45
You won't forget who you are and you should be a happier person once it does go

20-12-11, 16:51
I've had that happen to me just the other day. It's like you're literally being anxious waiting for the anxiety. Sheesh the brain is weird but it'll all be OK.

20-12-11, 18:39
I'm exactly the same, it's worrying me the fact I'm not anxious, I kind of feel empty/numb because it's not there, I feel like something's missing, almost feels wrong to not have it there, it's horrible, but nice because panic is worse, it just feels so weird, totally understand how you feel xx

21-12-11, 03:47
Even the drugs don't change you that much. I am taking more naps now on citalopram, but I am 57 so I am allowed on weekends!

Take care.