View Full Version : numb tingly arms

20-12-11, 14:48
anyone else have this i have it all the time sometimes dont bother sometimes it really gets to me i get it when im very anxious and also when im only a bit anxious is this normal thanks

20-12-11, 14:55
When you get it try doing some correct abbominal breathing and see if that helps.

21-12-11, 23:03
Yes I get this during a stressful time, it's pretty common.

22-12-11, 00:32
Hi there,

I used to get the tingles really bad in my arms/fingers/nose and throat when I was anxious/highly anxious. This is due to the irregular breathing that you are doing (usually overbreathing) and it's due to the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide being exchanged in your lungs. Don't worry about it, it's not serious, it's basically your body saying " OI, calm yer breathing down willya?".

As mentioned above, try some breathing exercise to help you regulate your breathing - you can also do something you find relaxing to help distract you and indirectly regulate your breathing that way,

Hope this helps,

Wolfie xx