View Full Version : Heart beat shakes entire body...

20-12-11, 18:41
At the peak of my anxiety I developed a weird shakiness. My body shakes with each heartbeat or pulse. Why is my heart beat so strong? Is it a type of tremor? My bangs sake slightly each time my heart beats and it's very disconcerting. I'm an MS worrier and know that tremor is a symptom and this wires me! Does anyone have this or am I the only one?!?


20-12-11, 18:47
I have just the same thing and have had for years. I just tell myself that I have a good strong heart

20-12-11, 18:48
I have this shakiness almost permanently and I still do have sudden, quite violent twitches and tremors throughout my entire body...I don't know what causes it but my GP just puts it down to the anxiety. I ignore it most of the time and I have just learned to live with it.

20-12-11, 19:14
Did yours start after a particularly bad anxiety spell? Mine did... Did my anxiety trigger this?

20-12-11, 23:23
It's so long ago it's hard to recall. I don't know how old you are but for me it started at about the age of 18 when there was quite a lot going on in my life. It was very strong and I was convinced I might be dying and getting things out of all proportion. Twenty-seven years later and I'm still here which might tell you something. I won't say it's all mind over matter but I know that anxiety can manifest itself in all sorts of weird and often frightening ways. It might be worth going to your GP, if nothing more than to put your mind at rest.
Best wishes.