View Full Version : Still scared about my vision? :(

20-12-11, 21:51
Well I posted the other day about my worry of going blind and the worry is STILL there.
I'm scared that the retina photograph I had taken wouldn't of shown anything sinister and that my optician has missed something.
Would that be a common mistake?
I just can't stop worrying about my vision at all its so worrying, my optician said my eyes looked healthy from the photograph is it safe to assume everything's alright? :(
I'm so scared someone help me

sherylee xx
20-12-11, 22:42
id say so hunni they are very skilled their job and know exactly what to look for but i know with anxiety its so hard to acceopt everthin is ok when you have been convinced for so long that its not, have another eye test with someone different and if that optition says the same id say you can start to feel more at ease and accept your eyes are ok :) easier said then done i know xx

20-12-11, 23:08
I think I'm just over reacting lol, I have googled images of a torn/detached retina and it looks very different to my so called healthy one so I guess I should just accept I'm okay but I can't!
I think me focusing on my symptoms isn't making it much better either, well this is going to be a fun week or so :(

20-12-11, 23:17
If it's one eye, then worry. If both eyes, then something like migraine. I get the spacy stuff without headache.

sherylee xx
20-12-11, 23:20
lol oh hun i know how you feel i cant accept what the doctors tell me (that im ok and its just anxiety) and all day im focusin on my symptoms and every pain or sensation i analise and come up with the worst possible reason, its awful :( but i honestly think after your eye examination your eyes are ok hun i know it makes no difference me sayin that hun as its impossible to accept your ok but seriously just try to get past it and every time you worry thin the optition said my eyes are fine :) xx

20-12-11, 23:26
Tero - I'm pretty sure it's both of my eyes, however I have had them both checked out and had a retinal photograph taken and my optician said there was nothing wrong :)

sherryleexx - I've been trying to do that and it does work for a while but then I see a floater (something I've suffered with for MANY years) or something and I freak out, honestly I just think I'm over analyzing things and making them far worse haha and I have an eye infection too so I guess that's not really helping.

sherylee xx
20-12-11, 23:46
one thing i do know is floaters are normal 100% i have them all the time and and been told many times its normal everyone gets them so rest asure its normal :) and yeah tha deffo wont help what with havin an eye infection :/ keep your chin up :) xx

21-12-11, 00:59
My optician explained that to me and especially with me being short sighted AND have an astigmatism I'm more prone to them :( Bit annoying really cos I see them in all lights don't really get a break from them but guess will just have to plod on lol

sherylee xx
21-12-11, 01:18
lol i have an astigmatism too and like i said see floaters all the time and my vision is always blurry and i get alot of pain behind my eyes do you get that ? xx

21-12-11, 01:38
I hate floaters so much, but its something I can live with so long as I know its nothing deadly :-P My vision is very blurry without my glasses/contact lenses in and I get a bit of pain behind my eyes every so often, I had one before actually lol, not nice but can't tell whether if its to do with me having an eye infection or not