View Full Version : I panic when on nmp!!!

21-12-11, 01:29
Whenever i come on this site I always feel panicky and i start feeling upset and usually end up with tears down my face!!! I don't understand why this happens.


21-12-11, 01:33
It's an emotional release perhaps, some sort of catharsis. Is that good or bad for you?

21-12-11, 02:37
Is it something you're reading that's upsetting you? For example, I have severe health anxiety so I have to be careful when visiting that section of the forum because it can fuel my anxiety. Or does it happen in the chatroom? Just trying to figure out exactly what is making you so upset. Xx

21-12-11, 09:11
hope your ok skins12, i have the same kind of experience and i only recently joined i know i end up crying as for once i dont feel so alone and now realise that others understand and know what we are going through and like robinbrum said maybe it is a release for you. :hugs:

21-12-11, 23:15
I have only recently joined this site too!! Maybe it is!!! It happens as soon as i log in to the site. I don't have to read anything for it to start!!!


22-12-11, 00:28
Hi there Skins,

Over time I have realised that there are certain areas to the forum/site that I shouldn't go to - just like the realisation of, I really shouldn't be googling my symptoms!!!

But it's alright, try not to worry about this, if you are new, perhaps it's because you are overwhelmed at the site/forum itself. Perhaps it's because you are indirectly triggering yourself by looking at certain subsections of the forum/talking about certain things/maybe even certain words.

I suggest that you maybe have a panic diary, where you write down the time you had a panic, what you were doing/looking at, etc. It can help greatly in establishing any triggers that may have gone unnoticed.

Also, remember - you can exit the site in a second simply by closing the window and coming back on when you feel ready, please don't feel as if you need to sit there and look at the site when you are panicing. You can leave at any moment.

Finally, when you are feeling this way, perhaps you can jump into the chat, where you can get real-time help with your panics, etc. There will be people there, either in a similar situation at that very moment, or people there to help you through it and distract you from thinking about your symptoms too much.

Hope this helps,


22-12-11, 00:33
My hypnotherapist said that sometimes reading into other peoples issues too much can trigger your own off xxx