View Full Version : psyllium and diahroea

21-12-11, 05:54
I have been having a teaspoon of psyllium in a glass of water everynight but today esp I have noticed Ive been getting diahroea. I first noticed it when my pelvic area and bowels started hurting in a horrible pain like your bowel is full of wind. It also felt like a dull period pain as my lower back is really sore now like it gets when you have your period.

It kind of freaked me out a little because I didnt know where it came from but could that be normal with the psyllium stuff?

Ive also noticed with my bladder after I wee I get this tingling painful feeling in my bladder area urethra and it hurts so much.

Anyway I was just wondering if Im ok any reply woul be good.

21-12-11, 06:49
hi sorry can't help as haven't a clue what psyllium is? what is it? xx

21-12-11, 08:01
Its some bulk fibre powder you put in a glass of water.