View Full Version : Panic Attacks nedds advice

21-12-11, 08:32
having a really bad time with panic attacks getting up to 60 a day :scared15: tried relaxation dont know if its helping as i feel like im in a constant state of anxiety any advice would be really helpful please xx

21-12-11, 08:35
Hi agnes!

Have you spoken to your GP about this yet? how long have you been suffering?


21-12-11, 09:04
Hiya Amdromida, i have spoken to my GP they are amazing and really suppotive, i have been having Panic attacks for 18 years but its a long time since they were this bad im on the max meds that i can be so really iits just trying to find a way to cope with them i was put on some new meds for anxieties 4 weeks ago (duloxetine) so really hoping its the storm before the calm. just finding it really hard to cope with them right now x:hugs:

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 ----------

Androm:blush:eda so sorry i spelt your name wrong

21-12-11, 09:16
Have you tried anything else other than meds? Talking therapies etc?

Often with meds, as i'm sure you know, it can feel a lot worse before our bodies get used to it and then things begin to improve. You just have to sit tight and try your best to be as relaxed as you possibly can!

The best thing you can do is distract yourself as soon as you feel the anxious thoughts pop into your head. Everyone has different things that work for them, for me, it's doing something silly like a crossword that fully engages my brain, the panic subsides after a few minutes! Maybe watch a funny film or read a book.

Last year my anxiety was so bad i couldn't leave my house, i would wake up in the morning with a black cloud over my head and all i would be able to think about was impending doom, misery, death and a whole host of nasty, morbid thoughts. I felt like i wasn't allowed to enjoy anything, i didn't know what happiness felt like and all i wanted to do was hide in my room, away from the world.

I've come through that now, i still have nagging health anxiety now and again, it's worse when i'm actually ill, but that feeling of hopelessness i used to wake up with is gone, instead i look forward to my day and anxiety doesn't control me anymore.

There really is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's fully possible to get better, even when you feel like it never will.

It starts with understanding that your panic is a state of mind, you control your anxiety, only you have the power to make it go away through strength and determination. You have to tell yourself that you aren't going to let it ruin your life anymore and you have to face your fears, push yourself to do the things you run away from.

Just stay strong and know that you'll overcome this :hugs:

21-12-11, 09:34
Hi, I do have a CPN and also a psychologist who i see on a regular basis now its taken a while to get them but i have them now and thats the important thing :D, i used to wake up like you everyday with the same feelings the psycologist is involved to help me overcome Agrophobia which i have suffered from for 10 years so really pushing my bounderies to have my life back, i keep telling my self i can do it and deep down know that the anxieties are linked to doing things i haven't done in years like going out of the house and pushing out of my safe zone, its a long hard road but 1 im willing to go down in order to get better and be me again. :hugs:

21-12-11, 09:42
That's really great news!

Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be well on your way to recovery. Carry on fighting the fears and pushing yourself!

And be really proud of what you've achieved so far! Some days will be harder than others and that's okay, don't beat yourself up if you get anxious or panicky, just pick yourself up and keep on going!!!!! And the forum is always here for support and motivation! :flowers::hugs:

21-12-11, 09:49
Thankyou for your support and advice it means a lot just knowing im not alone in how i feel is a huge help thankyou :bighug1:psyhcologist due at 10.30. take care x