View Full Version : So tired! :(

21-12-11, 09:08
I've been feeling really tired but been sleeping so much, I had an afternoon nap yesterday and fell sleep at 8.30pm and woke up this morning at 7.30am and I'm still so tired and I don't know why, it's worrying me that I've got sonething wrong with me or something :( does anyone else feel tired like this? Xx

21-12-11, 09:25
When you spend most of your day worrying about everything under the sun, it puts a lot of strain on your body and nervous system.

It's very draining being a worrier. Your body could well be exhausted from stress and anxiety.

When is the last time you saw your GP? are you currently on any medication?

21-12-11, 09:32
I speak to my gp regularly and I'm seeing her later on today, I'm not on any medication at the minute because I've been getting better with therapy, I'm just so tired recently and I thought my anxiety was getting better, ive just been suffering from depersonalisation, which is really not nice, I've not felt myself and iv felt like I'm going crazy! :( xx

21-12-11, 09:39
Speak to her about this issue to be on the safe side, but I'd imagine she will tell you the same thing.
Depersonalisation was the worst symptom for me and left me feeling confused and exhausted, i would sleep all the time and had no energy to do anything!
You have to try your best to push through it. I know it's scary and distressing but it won't physically harm you, you need to distract yourself from the feeling!

The good news is that you are absolutely not going crazy, i have been around plenty of crazy people in my old job and believe me, when you go mad you are the last person to know about it.
If someone is able to worry about being mad, then they are not mad.

You've seen an improvement in your anxiety and you need to start being positive about it, it's fantastic news! Remain focused on the fact that you are getting better and don't beat yourself up if you have a blip now and again, everyone in the world suffers from anxious thoughts at one point or another so it's perfectly normal.

You'll be fine, i promise :hugs:

21-12-11, 09:39
well I have glandular fever and it makes me very tired, and it seems to be going around lately. its nothing serious as long as you sleep. The ideal level for my liver count is 5-10 and mine was 365 so yeah im pretty sick haha.

21-12-11, 09:47
well I have glandular fever and it makes me very tired, and it seems to be going around lately. its nothing serious as long as you sleep. The ideal level for my liver count is 5-10 and mine was 365 so yeah im pretty sick haha.

I had glandular fever and was very ill for 8 weeks so i can sympathise with you. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

21-12-11, 11:38
I had glandular fever and was very ill for 8 weeks so i can sympathise with you. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

yeah its been 5 weeks, Im starting to recover I think, but still no New Years Partying for me I think haha.

21-12-11, 11:41
I had glandular fever 3 years ago and all in all I suffered with it for 18months, I was hospitalised with it and had cfs afterwards, totally understand how you are feeling, I hope you feel better soon :) xx