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06-06-06, 16:01
Ive had my second day at work and im loving it i didnt think i would but i am. The only thing is my lightheadedness motions sickeness feeling m akes me wanna run out of work and home or makes m e wanna believe something terrible is happening to me. the head rushes (i think thats the same as lightheaded) the feeling of geeting up to quick even iof ive just stood still my do says 100% its not nescasary for me to go for an mri or have a vertigo test because he knows its anxiety. HOW CAN A DOC BE SO SURE. i have ben this way for ten months now would i of got worse if i had something life threating? i just think its unfair to wake up feeling hungover even if i aint touched alcohol the night before. I just wish i could beleive i didnt have a heal;th problem and it was all in my head because when i get the feelings i find it hard to say to myself they are just thoughts and feelings they will eventually go.

anyone relate to me?


06-06-06, 17:55
Hi Katy

Yes I can relate to you. It is so hard to believe the doctors when you feel so bad - how can your nerves make you feel pain and discomfort - BUT THEY DO. You have to trust the doctors, they are well qualified and look carefully at the presenting symptoms.

I thought there was something seriously wrong with my heart because that is where I get pain and soreness - I had an ecg and it is fine. My doctor said that I would know if there was a problem with my heart and so would she because I would be presenting with different symptoms.

I've had two operations in the last year on my leg - on both occasions I was hooked up to a monitor - they would have found something then if there was an abnormality. You have to put your faith in the medical profession and try to accept that your nerves are playing tricks on you.

I know how difficult that is, as do all the lovely chaps and chapesses on this site. You are not alone Katy - congrats for getting back to work - good luck!

06-06-06, 18:15
Wow... can I ever relate to you. I could have written that post myself. Health anxiety is terrible, because it never ends. We conquer one fear, just to face another. I also have that constant seasick feeling. I have been to a few different doctors, and all say that it is nothing serious. I suppose that is just the way our bodies respond to stress. I also felt the same way about work. I loved going, because I felt so productive. However, every time I step foot into the office I would get a wave of lightheadedness. One reason I am somewhat convinced it is anxiety, because when I do go home because of it, it settles down right away. It has to be anxiety if it is only bad in certain situations. I find that sipping on warm herbal tea is helpful.

Heidi :)

06-06-06, 18:35
Hi Katy, read some of the posts i did on dizziness and the exercises that can help. I do have vertigo, yuck, not nice but the exercises have been really good. the lightheaded feeling and motion sickness come from the tension in your neck muscles which affects the blood flow to balance mechanism in ear - nothing serious so don't panic, just a pain really. I've had it for over 20 years and still here, thought it was brain tumour but no it wasn't. I had the tests and they are yuck, so if you don't need to have them done don't, they make you feel so awful. PM me if you want the exercises I use.

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-06-06, 20:30
hi katy i can honestly say i really do know how you feel!!its like reading about myself!!i too suffer from the motion sickness feeling and the light headed ness!i too started a new job yesterday and am enjoying it but i just keep thinking if i didnt have this anxiety i would enjoy it a lot more!daaisybuns explanation has hopefully put your mind at rest as i do feel better knowing im not alone in feeling this way !feel free to pm me any time take care hope your job continues to go well rachelx x

06-06-06, 20:42
the only way i connect is my mother has vertigo and you are displaying similar symptoms fell better ghandi

07-06-06, 06:58
Please ignore me if this is a daft suggestion, but can hypnosis help? If it is predominantly in the mind, as many things are, could hypnosis not divert the thoughts away from this area of the brain and ease the condition somewhat?


07-06-06, 13:25
*I just wish i could beleive i didnt have a heal;th problem and it was all in my head because when i get the feelings i find it hard to say to myself they are just thoughts and feelings they will eventually go.

anyone relate to me? *

Er yes, just a bit!!! Naffs you off doesnt it! :(

08-06-06, 20:30
yeah pretty sh**e if you ask me but we are all in the same boat katy and we are all here for you

will text you when i get me my new mobile which is ordered
