View Full Version : lump under arm

miss diagnosis
21-12-11, 09:15
yesterday morning i noticed a spot thing under my arm which when i squeezed all this pus came out.(sorry).the spot is gone but there is a lump underneath the opening which seems quite big and hard..freaked out as surely if i squeezed it the lump should be gone. really worried its something more sinister.husband thinks got it from shaving but it shouldnt be hard right?

21-12-11, 09:29
Sounds like a blocked hair follicle. Nothing sinister.

Make sure you bathe it with a warm compress to make sure it's clean and put some antiseptic cream on it! If it changes see your GP :hugs:

21-12-11, 11:50
I had exactly the same thing as you about 6 months ago! Don't worry about it at all, its just a swollen gland fighting infection. Mine took just over a week to go. Perfectly natural xx

miss diagnosis
21-12-11, 13:38
thank you. that does make me feel much better.:)

21-12-11, 14:32
It does sound more like a blocked hair follicle than a swollen gland. I don't think a swollen gland would have pus coming out of it, although I could be wrong. I once had a similar thing behind my ear, no idea how it got there, but I just squeezed it and put some antiseptic on it and it was fine. I've also had a lump under my arm from a swollen gland after I got stung on my finger by a wasp. It was a very firm lump the size of a marble, but very much under the skin, not on top of it. Took about 6wks to go down, but it did get better.