View Full Version : At my lowest ever...

21-12-11, 09:38
I feel I am at my lowest ever today. Can't even get out of bed because of my terrible depression and anxiety. I really don't want to go back on the effexor but I am finding it very difficult to stay off. :weep:

21-12-11, 09:59
Hi erin!

I'm sorry that you're having a tough day!

Why did you come off the meds? :hugs:

---------- Post added at 09:59 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------

It's okay, i got my answer from seeing another one of your posts.

Unfortunately, the downside to medication are the symptoms when you come off them which can sometimes be worse than the issue they're being used to treat.

I don't know enough about effexor to offer you advice in relation to the symptoms but I'd imagine it's going to take a while for your body to adjust to life without the meds.

I was on an SSRI myself but decided against them and it was the best decision i ever made. I managed to beat my GAD through natural means.
Obviously everyone is different and some people swear by the meds but i am proof that it can be done without them.

You're entitled to rough days on your road to recovery, not every day is going to feel like sunshine and roses. You have to push through them and remain positive that it's one step closer to being free of your anxiety and depression. If you can, push yourself to get out of bed and have a shower/make a cup of tea, anything positive that you can sit back and say; 'well i was able to do this today' etc

It's so difficult, but just know you absolutely aren't alone :hugs:

21-12-11, 10:22
Thank you so much for your reply Andromeda. I will admit that your post had me crying all over again but this time in a sort of good way. It was just so nice to know that someone understands how I feel and has taken the time to tell me this. I have just had a shower and my next target is a walk.

Can I ask with what natural means you beat your GAD?

Thank you once again for your post, it really does help to know I am not alone :hugs:

21-12-11, 10:33
I know it's tough but it will get better! Sending you :hugs: and happines!! Xxx

21-12-11, 10:57
You'll have me crying now! I'm a ball of emotion at the moment! Haha

I have been at that place where you are right now and i know how difficult it is to find the strength to push through it but seriously, be proud of yourself that you were able to get up, you have already improved your day 10 fold.

Just remember to not put too much pressure on yourself. Set yourself little goals everyday to work towards and the feeling of achievement will push you on!

I gave up all meds and concentrated on exercise, completely changed my diet - I'm now a vegan (this is very extreme though, i recommend just cutting out things like caffeine and high sugars if you haven't already) i worked on relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and the one thing, that helped me overcome everything was forcing myself to do the things i was avoiding.

I didn't refuse any invitations to anything, i went, sat through hell and hated every second but i didn't run away back to my comfort zone. Eventually i was able to learn how to relax in these situations through perseverance and and a result, started to allow myself to enjoy things again. I forced myself to go on planes, to cinemas (i HATE being sat in the cinema) noisy restaurants, busy shops, forced myself back into work, basically anything i knew would make me anxious.

You have to find that point, that mentality where you're able to really understand that your anxiety is all within your own control. You are the one that creates the anxious thoughts and you yourself are the only one with the power to stop them. No amount of medication or therapy can change that in the long term.

I do not deny the short term effectiveness of medication and everyone is entitled to their opinion, i do not belittle anyone who has recovered this way. But there's no denying that statistically, your long term recovery is more effective if you do it without the medication!

Like i said, it's going to be a bumpy ride and there are going to be days (like today) where you wake up and are clouded by your struggles, don't let that depression creep in and destroy your progress.

You are strong and you will beat this :bighug1:

21-12-11, 17:01
Thank you Virgo and Andromeda for your replies. Today has been a long, long day but I not only managed a walk but also a visit to the shops. I had terrible anxiety all the way around and didn't actually buy much as I couldn't think straight but I do think just getting out made a difference and I know if I did it today I can do it again another day. :)

21-12-11, 17:18
Big well done for today Erin. What an achievement - from how you felt first thing to getting out there and managing a shop! :hugs:

You should treat yourself tonight. Put your feet up, watch a nice film and relax!

Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you're feeling rough again XX

21-12-11, 18:49
I have a friend who came off Effexor after taking it for 6 months - I took her 26 months to go through the withdrawals - I see this often on the AD support groups