View Full Version : Update on my little boy

21-12-11, 10:30
My nearly two year old has to have an operation for his undecended testicles :weep: I am so upset and worried sick about the general anaesthetic. It's going to be a couple of months but I can't stop crying and thinking the worst, like this might be our last Christmas with him if something happened to him. Said that to my husband last night and he laughed at me. Wish I didn't feel like this. I feel so down and so worried I really don't know how I'm going to cope with the worry of it. Doctor said anaesthetics are now a lot safer and got more chance of being run over. But me being me thinks the worst of everything. What if something goes wrong with the operation and he ends up being infertile. I just can't think positively I'm always thinking negative. Please can you help talk me out of this and your thoughts

21-12-11, 11:39
you have got no worry at all .things are so safe these days
and kids are tough please dont worry he be fine
god bless

macc noodle
21-12-11, 13:05

you need to trust the doctors and listen to them - all will be well and your son will thank you in years to come for getting it done now and thus preventing any problems as he gets older.

Macc Noodle

21-12-11, 14:40
Hi violet :)
I know you will worry so much anyway .....you are a mum with health anxiety .xx

HE WILL be fine honest. My son had same op 24 years ago Violet. It was day case and he was home by evening and not away long in theatre so your son will not need much general anaesthetic . He was fine and has been since :hugs:
Also the anaesthetist will have a lot of experience in childrens anaesthetics which are different to the adult doctors . They are brilliant kind people and will include you up until your wee lad is asleep .
Please trust them [I know how hard this is ] .........but it is best it is done now while young .........perhaps if you ask your gp to give you a diagram explaining how the procedure is done will make you feel better .
And if you can try your best to not show your fear Violet to him ..........crikey they pick up on their mums moods do little ones . pm me if it helps xxx

take care and try not to fret :bighug1:

21-12-11, 16:29
Don't worry Violet xx

21-12-11, 21:12
Hello Violet
Please don't worry about your little one. My son had exactly the same op. He was two and I was so scared about what would happen. But the hospital looked after him very well and he suffered no ill effects at all. He's 30 in March and fit as a fiddle!!
Really it is such a routine operation. The best you can do is play it down and accept that it's just a little part of life to get over and done with. Not pleasant but for the best in the long run. Buy him a little present to look forward to when he comes around from the op and believe me, you will wonder what you were worried about aftewards.
Keep you chin up. xxx:bighug1:

22-12-11, 08:10
Thank you all soooo much, this has really reassured me. Feeling a bit better today after reading this. Will probably keep reading over and over for reassurance. Just going to try and get on and look forward to Christmas now x

22-12-11, 14:07
Hi Violet

I can completely understand your worry - any mum would feel the same. But as Dr said GA are so safe now and come place. I had one last year and am very overweight and worried so much but actually Drs weren't concerned at all and of course all ok. My friends little boy had similar op (and is much younger) this week and all ok.

Will be thinking of you but really do enjoy xmas xxx

22-12-11, 14:29
Hi Violet,

I won't tell you not to worry because I know that is not possible for us moms...especially us with health anxiety. My son had general anesthesia when he was 10 months old for ear tubes and he was just fine. He was a little groggy that day and a little hostile when he first woke up (which they said it very normal) but he was perfectly fine, as I am sure your little one will be, too.