View Full Version : Worried about Asbestos fibers in home

21-12-11, 10:32
My house is pretty old, and we've done some renovating on it. There is a lot of loose old loft insulation in the roof, and the asbestos uk awareness website says this could potentially contains asbestos. But if loft insulation with asbestos has never been sold commercially in the UK, how could that be possible? :/

I also have an artex-type ceiling in my bedroom. This has been painted over a while back, but if it did contain asbestos, would i be OK as soon as i don't mess with it?


Veronica H
21-12-11, 12:10
Hi Jack
Our house was built in 1875 and we have had every floorboard up and ceiling replastered and painted. My neighbour is a builder and has renovated many houses. He has never come across asbestos indoors, only on a few old garden out buildings . I checked with him for you. Local councils have a service wherebye they will come and safely dispose of it.
I think when anxiety strikes in this way it is best to tick the box and move on. Hope this helps buddyXV

22-12-11, 15:54
Veronica that genuinely did help me. I'm a lot more rational now and i've got a lot less anxious. I used to be so OCD about everything, it's like i've given myself my own CBT haha
