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View Full Version : Beyond Petrified!

21-12-11, 13:32
Hello lovely people,

I am having an absolute rotten time with this HA at the moment it is almost unbearable, I can't stop catastrophising every little niggle/cough/tummy ache etc etc.

It all started getting worse as I have been getting cold after cold, well symptoms of i.e right now I have a cough, no other symptoms apart from a runny tummy (sorry!) and feeling weird (more so down to the anxiety I think) so of course I now am convinced I have pneumonia and will spend xmas in hospital. I then worry that I have had so many colds and that the reason is because I have some life threatening illness causing my immune system to pack in. We have bits of mold in the house so now I'm convinced we are all going to die from it like Brittany Murphy, Mad I know!!!!

Basically I'm a complete mess, I can't function, I can't smile for my son, I'm being utterly useless, my husband is fed up, I don't know what to do! I have the docs today so hopefully she can assure me that my chest is ok, and that I'm not going to cark it!!!



I've convinced myself that I'm going to die.

miss diagnosis
21-12-11, 13:40
as i said in an earlier post..i think christmas makes people worse..i do the same thing...this could be my last christmas etc..i wont be here next year...and that christmas shoes song makes me worse.

you just have a cold..everyone has them at the moment.it takes a lot to get pneumonia xx

22-12-11, 17:59
Thanks Miss Diagnosis, I went to the docs and chest was clear, which was a blessing, but I just can't seem to shake the anxious feeling that I have something more sinister... I spoke to her about my anxiety and she has referred me for more counselling.

I worry more that I seem to keep getting colds etc.. I worry that I have something sinister which is causing my immune system to break down?!

I just wish I could get off this horrible anxiety rollercoaster!
