View Full Version : Severe pain back of my head

21-12-11, 23:08
Hi there Im really anxious tonight for the past few hours I've had this severe pain at the back of my head going down to my neck. I keep on thinking Im having a stroke or a brain haemorrage it is really scary. I have no other symptoms than this pain, which feels like I've swallowed ice cream the wrong way except it is at the back of my head. My mother thinks it is a tension headache but it is at the back and I never get them there. I had a lot of stress today, I got up at 5 to tidy the house and it took 8 hours because it was such a mess then I had a row with my housing officer on the phone. And I had a row with my bank manager. Ive taken 2 paracetemol one hour ago but no help. If it is tension I might take a diazepam. But I am wondering if it was a brain haemorrage or a stroke surely I would have other symptoms. Im just really scared now. I looked on google which was bad.

21-12-11, 23:45
Sounds horrible, I think brain haemorrage symptoms are more vision-related though and towards the front of the head. Its likely to be tense neck muscles radiating to the back of the head. I'd wait til morning after a nights sleep and then make a dr appointment to see what they think.

22-12-11, 02:37
If it was a brain hemorrage you would be dead now, so don't worry yourself, probably a tension/TMJ headache, I get them loads.

22-12-11, 02:56
I get two kinds of headache
1 migraine
2 headache at back of head and neck

different pills, or nap work for 2