View Full Version : Balance problem ... Ms fears, please read.

22-12-11, 11:31

I don't know if this is anything to be bothered about or no, but I was just stood ironing so I had my head ironing a pair of jeans, all of a sudden it felt like the ground was coming up to meet me and I was being tugged backwards really fast. It only lasted for mere seconds but I'm a bit worried now. I have felt stuff like it before, like when you are walking and suddenly it feels like the earth is coming up tp you or you have gone down a hole. I thought it might be vertigo so I just googled and it said vertigo is a first sign of ms, I'm actually quite obsessed with ms and didn't previously know this :( so I guess what I'm actually asking is if anyone else has odd moments like this? Could it be from being really tight and tense in the neck? I think subconsciously I'm getting quite anxious about christmas, I've got this thought in my head that I really need to enjoy it and give my family some good memories of me cos it will probably be my last. I'm in a bit of a pickle with this so if anyone could help at all I would really appreciate it cos I can feel myself sinking further and further into despair at the minute. Thank you.

22-12-11, 11:57
Hi meg, It could be something as simple as not eating enough and you have been standing for a while, concentrating with your eyes , I get dizzy if I get up to quick, or stand for a while and havent had much to eat before hand. I also have menieres disease which affects the ears, as its the ears that control part of your balance, ear infections can also make you dizzy. If it only happened once and was quick I wouldn't worry, could be just one of those things. Keep an eye on it and if it gets frequent go to the docs. Try not to google symptoms though, its evil. xx

22-12-11, 12:10
Hi Meg, you will find, as I did, that pretty much any symptom you care to google comes up as a first sign of ms.

I have had a couple of bad bouts of vertigo (so bad I couldn't stand up for 3 days). I had a whole host of other symptoms as well, and my GP was worried I could have ms or similar. After a very anxious few weeks, an appointment with a neurologist and an MRI, I was given the all clear.

Try to put things into perspective - vertigo can have a whole range of other causes, most of them completely harmless. It's most likely that you've got a small piece of debris floating around in your ear. Go to the GP if it persists, as it could turn out to be an infection.

22-12-11, 12:24
Thank you for your fast replies :) you are very right, most symptoms come up one way or the other as being part of ms! I keep trying not to google, it becomes like an obsessive thing. Rationally I think it's just one of those things but all these little things play on you constantly don't they!

22-12-11, 12:32
I know how one little thing leads to another and another and then you have a full blown illness which is ridiculous really, any body else would just be able to brush it aside, but like me it just plays on your mind, but, you have reminded me i need to do my ironing and i cant be bothered to move lol xx

22-12-11, 14:33
I have huge health anxiety relating to MS myself. It seems like the symptoms are so similar to my anxiety, and I convince myself that it is something more serious. I have had really wild vertigo with my anxiety. Sometimes it feels as if I am drunk or like with each step the earth is moving. I have also had the weird feelings when I lie down that I am floating up.

I hate anxiety. It does all these weird things to us.

One other thing to keep in mind...my mom just got over the flu and a few days later said she was really dizzy and not feeling "right". She went to the dr and found out she has water in her ears, likely a secondary infection from her flu. Nothing serious, just causing her equilibrium to be out of whack. It could always be something like that, too, but most likely, it is just your anxiety!

22-12-11, 14:59
Thank you all for replying again :) I hate stupid anxiety! My whole day has been consumed by this one event that in actuality probably lasted less than 3 seconds! It's so stupid! I've had this for over ten years now, it kind of started when I was twenty though looking back it probably started a lot earlier. I used to think, oh I won't be like this when I'm older, well I'm thirty now and still feel exactly the same! Sometimes I feel like I'm just existing, or still waiting for my life to begin, when really it's passing me by. I hope everyone has a good Christmas and thank you for your help, it's always good to know you aren't alone.

22-12-11, 15:10
Meg, I'm 34 and I was first anxious about my health when I was 8. I had pains in my chest and thought I was having a heart attack, lol. Thankfully I've never suffered too regularly with HA, I've had bad (for me) incidents, then nothing for a year or two. The MS thing a year ago was the worst I've ever had. I couldn't sleep, eat, exercise, work or socialise. I couldn't go on like that, so I got myself sorted with a course of CBT, and I honestly think it's the best thing I've ever done. Perhaps it's worth a try for you? I'm in Leeds and I got it free, and I only had to wait a couple of months. I feel like I've got control back. There have been a few things that have happened since that would normally have sparked anxiety in me, but I've been able to handle them fine. x

22-12-11, 23:20
I have had your symptom for years and years on and off and I know its all to do with necks and nothing to do with ms as I have been tested totally for ms and have not got it but I do have bad arthritis and trapped nerve in neck and any tension in the neck affects the balance receptors in your neck muscles and bones and you get wonky messages to the inner ear. As explained by a neurosurgeon