View Full Version : Is it anxiety?

22-12-11, 11:55
I just got in the car and felt really disorientated and it's played on my mind and ever since I just have a really big feeling sonething bad is gonna happen to me
- I feel like I'm gonna collapse
- I feel like I can't focus
- I'm seeing coloured blobs ( like when you look at the sun)
- I'm scared stiff

It's passing a bit now but is this anxiety? I've not had it for a while and it's like I've forgotten xx

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

My head feels tight now and I feel weird, I just can't describe it, it's horrible and I just don't want anything bad to happen :( :( xx

22-12-11, 11:58
I would guess it's anxiety-related because the symptoms are very familiar, except perhaps the blobs.
How long has it been going on for?

22-12-11, 12:01
Had the blobs just for a few seconds, but I don't know if it's because I went from light to dark? I'm just so scared xx

22-12-11, 13:43
I'm sorry I don't know exactly what it is.. but my Mum's had this thing a few times where she's gotten green or blue blobs (that she thought were on the things/people she was looking at) She's just had to sit down for a bit and she's ok. No idea what it is though with her.. she does suffer from nerves problems, so I personally think it's when she's overdone it. Or possibly something like circulation. Were you rushing?

Also, you are panicking about how you felt at first aren't you? This may well have triggered anxiety symptoms! Try to concentrate on getting yourself a cup of tea or something, ignoring how you feel (hard I know!) and see how you go.
All the best,

22-12-11, 18:31
My friend once had a "blackout" after he had spent 72 hours solid working without a break and very little sleep. Stress can manifest itself in all sorts of really strange ways. If these problems persist then of course go and see your GP to rule out anything more serious.
I tend to just ignore all symptoms I get now unless they're seriously bad. My body tells me in all sorts of alarming ways that I am anxiousand seriously stressed. Worrying about then makes it worse of course.
It's not easy is it?:hugs:

22-12-11, 18:52
i always get the feeling like im going to collapse, or faint. its probably my least favorite symptom lol, but usually when i fight my thoughts, i get less dizzy, fight the feeling like.

also im been eating alot of iron rich foods lately, like steaming brocolli and stirring it into pasta (it breaks up and u dont even get a taste! but u get all the iron) .. and i actually feel better after it, feel like im getting less dizzy these days

hope this helps!

22-12-11, 19:06
Thankyou all, I always speak to my gp about my symptoms and she is never worried, I think I had a migraine because it's gone now and I spoke to my family about it and they wernt concerned because thyve had the same symptoms themselves and it never turned out to be nothing more serious than a headache, I feel much better now, thankyou all for your advice cxxx