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22-12-11, 12:00
I have suffered from anxiety nearly all my life - Im in my thirties. Currently it is back in a big way. In the past I have seen my gp and I have also paid privately for cbt with worked to some extent. The bouts of anxiety are a lot longer. I am worried that all of this anxiety will take it's toll on my body and something will give way.
I suffer from many different types of Anxiety health, panic attacks, fear of sickness and to some extent social.

The social has come up more In recent months when work have orgAnised fun activities! I spoke to one of the organisers but even if I don't want to play these games I am seen as a party pooper. the thoughts of these games and fun days are making me physically ill chest pains, sweaty palms, feeling on edge for days before and I can't not think of anything else. If I try and speak to someone I am worried they will think I can not do my job and there opinion of me will change of me.
I have a very caring family and husband however my parents are finding it very difficult to deal with my anxiety as they simply don't understand. I do call them when it is bad often crying and struggling to cope and they really don't know what to say. Yesterday I was really down and they and I was told to sort my self out, what have I got to be stressed about and go stop been selfish and think about what I am doing to them as they are getting older and
suffer from ill health.
I don't want to hurt them can I manage on my own?
Do other people suffer from many different forms? Dad seems to think I need to see a psychiatrist and that I should be happy as I have so much much going for me.
Sorry for writing lots!

23-12-11, 11:07
Does anyone else have various forms of anxiety?

23-12-11, 14:39
I get anxiety in different ways as well. Like you, my parents and brother are all nice people, but they just don't understand how I can work myself up into the state that I can. They simply tell me to 'relax' and 'calm down' and 'be reasonable'. I've never really been diagnosed properly with anxiety - though my doctor has mentioned it - and when I told my mother I had some anxiety issues she agreed with me. I don't really want medication, but therapy at some point would be nice; I just don't want to make them pay for it so I may have to wait a bit longer.

Another thing is with my new job - it is awful for me when I have to work, and stressing before I have to work. It has seriously altered my life - I actually have dreamt about it, when I work at noon I end up being up by 4 and not being able to go back to sleep. I'm happy to have found work and to be making money, as is my mother - but when I have to go I tell her that it's not worth it and she doesn't understand. SHE thinks I am referring to the physical labor of it - which sucks, but I'm not lazy and I've done work before - it's the emotional toll that has really gotten me this week. I'm exhausted.
I think that erin31 hit the nail on the head by saying that there's often no easy explanation for these stressors. I know that I have it pretty good, I know I'm smart, I know I'm capable - and yet, I'm often a wreck.

I get social anxiety, health anxiety, general anxiety, even panic attacks - just depends on the situation and the circumstances. Some things that I thought would bother me don't end up bothering me at all, some things that I didn't think I would mind end up pushing me to my limit.

I also know what it's like to stress about something for days up to the event - so even relaxing days that I should be able to enjoy I cannot because I'm so upset about what is to come.