View Full Version : Brain tumour fear!

22-12-11, 15:18
Just recently (in the past month or so) I've had symptoms that hve made me wonder wether or not I've got a brain tumour. These symptoms include:
- dizziness
- blurred vision in one eye before a headache comes on
- headaches
- tiredness
- coughing
- feeling sick
- up and down appetite

I spoke to my doctor about my fear a couple of weeks ago and he sort of laughed it off and said it wasn't the case but it's really been playing on my mins because I've got a bad headache and had blurred vision today :( my brothers had something similar and apparently there's a virus going around causing this but I'm just so scared :( does anyone else get this? xx

22-12-11, 16:19
I had this before in the height of my anxiety... it scared the hell out of me. I had funny vision, headaches, nauseau, dizziness, eye floaters...

I had an eye test (often used to detect brain tumors) and the eye test was normal...they said it was down to tiredness / anxiety.

When I stopped worrying about it, the symptoms went... and now I have other symptoms that make me worry about another potential condition. Sigh - it's never ending! But we will pull through it all! :)

22-12-11, 19:28
Doesn't sound like a brain tumour to me at all to be honest.

22-12-11, 19:37
Sounds like a flu or some other virus to me. Vision problems before a headache also sounds like a migraine. I have migraine with aura and I see spots in my vision. I don't think it sounds like a brain tumor.