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View Full Version : really need advice

22-12-11, 15:31
hi just need a little advice of any one who might be in the same situation as me firstly i have had anxiety now for about 5yrs and its got bad ive had cbt about a year ago helped a little not much but the last 6mnths i have got worse and now and then get intrusive thoughts that scare the life out of me . my gp has been really suportive with me as she knows im petriefied of taking meds so she referd me to see a pshyciatrist to see if the could help me with some sort of help, i had to go testerday to see him and i told him how i am etc and that im scared of taking meds cause of the side effects and but he said i have detearated and because i am tearful and rock back anf forth and keep my legs stiff he told me point blank that if i didnt take the medication he wants to give me which is sertraline 50mg i will end up in the local mental hospiltal and that he has the power to section me if i dont take them to make me better which has scared the life out of me as i dont want to end up in there as i thought anxiety cant make you go crasy or loose control i dont know weather he is just trying to help me by saying wat he did or wat .maybe ive tried to convince myself that i can get over my anxiety ntself and do really need medication to help me but im so scared of taking them and because its so near xmas and my gp surgery will be closed for the holiday should i start and try and take them now or wait till after xmas .i m so scared to start them and wonder if any one else was either told this or are taking sertralineand if it has helped themjust dont know wat to do as i want to get better but so scared to start meds any advice would be so great full thk you

22-12-11, 15:38
It would need to be something pretty drastic to section you, like suicide attempts or if you're a danger to yourself or others. Sectioning people is an absolute last resort. It sounds like you're in a pretty bad way and whilst I understand your concerns about meds it wouldn't mean that if you started them you would be forced to keep on taking them.
I think maybe you should get a second opinion and definitely try and see your GP even as an emergency if you feel that bad.
Wishing you all the best.

william wallace
22-12-11, 15:50
If you start taking it now it's hardly going to make your Christmas any worse from the way you're speaking. I've had a period of taking Lustral ( Sertraline) back in the 90,s and I remember I responded quite well to it and was back at work after a month. If you're really concerned about side effects you could take half a tab for a few days and then up it to 50?
Your psychiatrist sounds a bit cold, but most of them are. Must be hard on someone having to look inside peoples head all day.
He's just trying to shock you into starting your meds, and helping yourself.
Two or three weeks from now you could be feeling much better, but you have to take your meds. Here, have one of these, sounds like you need one:hugs: in fact, I'm in a benevolent mood today so have two:hugs:

22-12-11, 16:06
hi thk you i thought that too as i havent been suididal or want to harm myself or others just my anxiety isnt getting any better and that i do need a bit of help med wise

---------- Post added at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 16:58 ----------

thk you william for the hug and i think your right about him trying abit of bulling tactics and matbe i should try and not to worrie to much about the sde effects i might get and try and get over the first hurdle by taking the first pill even tho im scared stiff xx

william wallace
22-12-11, 16:10
Get it down you Tricia, and if things are bad just come on here, plenty of support coz most folks are on holiday:)