View Full Version : Acne causing me great anxiety:-(

22-12-11, 16:28
Does anyone else suffer with adult acne? I get terrible cystic type spots, that start like a red hard lump on the chin area usually, and then eventually they weap yellow fluid and dry up, but it can take weeks and they mark my skin.

I usually get about 1-3 at a time. I have had 3 bad outbreaks now in the same area since September.

My gland sometimes comes up too in the jaw when they start.

Does anyone else suffer? Me being me I am worrying I will get septicemia from them or something. They really do trigger my anxiety when I am doing fine.:blush:

I have seen GP, and a skin specialist. They've told me accutane is the ony treatment for cystic acne which I can't have, so I have to just use topical treatments, such as zineryt. I have tried antibiotics but they made me quite unwell.

22-12-11, 17:36
Hi :)
I suffer from bouts of acne, not constant but mainly in the winter where I get dry flaky skin too.
Have you ever tried something called Germolene? It works wonders on any break outs I get and are usually gone within 1 -3 days if I apply it twice a day and also its an antiseptic cream so you won't have to worry about septicemia :) xx

22-12-11, 23:01
Yes I used that years ago. I didn't realise it was any good for spots. I'll give it a try. Thanks

22-12-11, 23:37
No problem :) It was recommended by my chemist a few weeks ago and its gotten rid of most of my big hard lumpy spots and stopped them from hurting

26-12-11, 21:49
I just wish the acne would sod off once and for all. It is painful and I feel very self concious.

01-01-12, 20:48
May I suggest zinc paste, it really is a little miracle cure.

Doctors never mentioned this, only way I found out is because my Polish fiancée used it.

Managed to get some and it really helped to dry up the worst of it. After that it was all about finding what caused flare ups (chocolate and spicey food for me).

Give it a go, it's way better than creams and gels from your GP!