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View Full Version : Been a rough week :(

22-12-11, 17:23
Well yes its me again lol.
For the past week I've been worrying non stop about my vision.
I'm scared I'm going blind, even though I had an eye exam last Sunday and my optician said everything was healthy and took a picture of my retina to prove it.
I'm so terrified still that I have a detachment/tear in my retina thats just suddenly come on in a matter of days, I'm so scared the photograph missed something, even though I know deep down if there was a tear or detachment it would show up.
I've never worried about my vision before either, I just feel so angry that I don't have perfect eyes, I see floaters constantly and I just can't seem to accept its nothing even though my Mum has them too like I do (I have them in the dark and so does my Mum).
This all started because I read somewhere floaters are only something to worry about if you see them in the dark and what happened? Yep I started seeing them in the dark, I just got so scared because it was so sudden. I know I've probably had them there for ages as I have had them ocasionally in the dark but not constant, but I started focusing on them and now I just feel so miserable.
I don't want to go back to the opticians as I know it would be silly and I'm trying so hard to get over my HA I don't want to feed it by going backwards and forwards to the doctors or opticians when I've been given a clean bill of health.
This is more of a rant more than an actual question and I'm sorry for posting again. But one thing I will ask is does anyone have any tips for getting over this? :( I think this is the biggest scare I've had with my health as for some reason I feel like I can't blame my eye problems on anxiety.
Thank you for reading xx

22-12-11, 18:50
I've had floaters for almost 3 years now... When I first developed anxiety. Just like you, my mom also has them. My vision has not changed in the last 3 years, so I do not believe you're in any danger of going blind. Plus, you've had the exams to prove it. I know it can be hard to accept your diagnosis (Trust me I've been there!) but your anxiety will only continue to grow until you do.

Floaters in your vision is a very common symptom of anxiety, in fact many people without anxiety have them too... Many of them don't even really notice them because they aren't so in tune wih our bodies like we are. Plus, I heard that once you become aware of them, you just notice them more often. When I'm really busy or doing something I enjoy, I don't even notice them.. And believe me I have many of them. :)

22-12-11, 22:04
Thanks for replying :)
I was just very alarmed as I've never read about people getting them in the dark until my Mum mentioned that she has them in the dark also and shes had her floaters for around 30 years, jsut thought it was very unusual as people on here have only ever mentioned getting them in day light and in bright rooms which is how mine started.
I think everyone must get them in the dark at some point but I guess it's just me focusing on them that's caused them to crop up and cause havoc!