View Full Version : dark circles under my eyes

22-12-11, 18:09
I feel a little silly because I know lots of people get dark circles under their eyes, but I just noticed that I had them a few days ago, and I started thinking of "what ifs". I don't think I usually have circles under my eyes. I feel like I sleep well, but I probably don't go to bed early enough. I came down with a mild cold the day after I noticed them. Maybe it's just because I'm getting older (I can see 30 from here!). But I started looking it up online and I read somewhere that they can be caused by liver or kidney problems. Then the panic set in. What if I have hepatitis? What if my kidneys are failing? What if those dark circles are a sign of something awful even though I don't have any other symptoms? I know that having circles under your eyes is really common and it's hardly ever caused by anything serious, but I can't stop thinking about what if.

22-12-11, 18:57
I know it's hard to stop the "what if" thoughts... That's our main problem as health anxiety suffers! But, I do believe you've answered your own question: the fact that your getting older and maybe not getting the best quality of sleep is the most likely reason for the appearance of your dark circles. My sister works in the cosmetic field, and many women complain of the sudden onset of dark circles in their late 20s and early 30s. They make a fortune selling those creams that promise to make then go away. I've had dark circles since I was a child... Mine are more genetic because my mom, grandma and sitter has them too. But, my best friend who just turned 29 has recently been complainig of them and she's never had a problem with dark circles before. :)

22-12-11, 19:17
I am 28 and now that I think about it, my mom has them too. She just always covers them up with makeup :) It just scared me because I noticed them all of a sudden one day.