View Full Version : i feel like im dying please help.

22-12-11, 21:10
Hello ok so I have am on new meds and for the past 24 36 hours I have felt awful, I feel so stiffn like my bones are going to stop working and seize up.
My arms ache so much they feel like dead weights and have been painful, I am scared I will stop working as stupid as that sounds.
I have stabbing pains in my eyes and the tingling in my body is so extreme I just feel so awful. I have a feeling in my chest like a knot that feels so horrible like a tightness. I know its not a heart attack but I just feel so awful I'm scared.
Please help does this sound at all familiar to anyone and is it just panic attack anxiety related?
Thanks! X

22-12-11, 21:53
Hi Hannah

These type of new meds usually always come with side effects to begin with and yes, they can be quite scary.

You won't stop working hun and no it doesn't sound silly at all as i am quite sure that most of us have gone through similar, i know i did. The best advice i can give is, yes they do take time to get into your system and do the job they are made to do but unfortunately we do have to suffer a little until our bodies adjust.

Don't panic and try to give it a couple of weeks. If it doesn't improve then see your gp again but for the moment, i'm afraid it's quite natural.

Take care

22-12-11, 22:02
Thank you so much for your reply lisa its very much appreciated and has made me feel a bit better already!! I know that I am ok and its in my mind but boy does it feel like the end of the world and so scary! I hate it!
Thanks again!
Hannah x

22-12-11, 22:33
Hannah, I would go along with everything Lisa said. I felt pretty awful when I first started meds but only for a short period until I adjusted to them. For me, the initial side effects were well worth the benefits of the meds.
