View Full Version : I ate too much chocolate! Now scared about getting Diabetes?

22-12-11, 22:05
Hi girls and guys

Today I ate a lot of chocolate fingers, probably more than 10
I rarely do this, today was different because It was a long while that I last had them, they are so addictive. but I regretted it soon after.

I feel a bit hyper now.

I'm planning not to eat chocolate for a week or more.

is this enough to stop me getting diabetes?

Im kind of scared right now, I know I bought it on myself, I feel kinda bad.

I need some advise.. anyone there.

22-12-11, 22:26
I think diabetes is more of something that develops after a long time of consistent unhealthy eating habits, unless you are genetically predisposed to it or something. Eating poorly once in a while will not give you diabetes, otherwise I'd surely have it by now.

22-12-11, 23:43
You don't know how thankful and grateful I am from this,

I have always been obese, until last year, I never ate junk food for a year Including sweets/crisps. and lost 7 1/2 stones. couldn't hold it for more than a year and Iv piled most of it back.

Since its the Christmas Holiday, I have been at home where I am tempted a lot by chocolate biscuits.

22-12-11, 23:52
You won't get diabetic from the odd binge. I never used to eat chocolate but i often find myself craving sweet things now.
Cocoa in its pure form is actually very good for you and I might buy some of that.
Christmas is not the best time of year to start a diet...

22-12-11, 23:56
your right! maybe after the new years