View Full Version : foul smell

22-12-11, 23:39
I have foul smelling discharge. Doc gave me thrush tablets but it only made it worse.... Well seemed to.. I cant get to the doctor until after christmas 100%. Do you think it will be ok? And what could this be? Im not sexually active. Thanks x

25-12-11, 20:05
I used to have a weird smelling discharge most of the time and had all the tests in the world to find nothing!

27-12-11, 15:32
I have a huge amount of discharge now it just keeps coming! especially when i cough sneeze etc.

27-12-11, 16:49
Might be explained by your cycle and changes that occur around the month however if it's of a very heavy quantity (i.e. you are soaking through your pants or liner every few hours) I'd contact the GP tommorow. Might be a wee bit of an infection - they are not always transmitted via sex (i.e. BV) - if you contact the doc they might take a swab and give you some antibiotics :)

Hope it clears up soon, infections there aren't fun at all!