View Full Version : difference between health anxiety and real illness

06-06-06, 20:59
hi everyone,
don't know if anyone will be able to relate my problem. i am at the stage where i don't have full blown panic attacks any more, because i can spot the symptoms so when i know it's just panic, i just talk myself down, read claire weekes, etc.
but, there are times where my dizziness or whatever is related to a real illness, like flu or something. when this happens, it's worse than panic because i'm convinced it's going to turn into something bad - i can't stop my brain catastrophising.
and then sometimes, like today, i feel sick and dizzy all day and i'm not sure if it's panic or illness - i had mild flu over the weekend, so it might be related to that, but it has also been the second day of a new job so it might be that.
how do you tell the difference between health anxiety or illness? i don't know if i should be telling myself not to be so ridiculous, or booking a doctor's appointment to look into why i have been so poorly since saturday.
sorry if this didn't make any sense. any advice would be hugely appreciated,
henri x

06-06-06, 21:08

This is a difficult one but the only way I cope is to know my body and know when something isn't right.

For example, about 2 months ago I was feeling dizzy all the time and I couldn't think of any reason why and it went on for over a week so I decided to go and see the doctor. They did some blood tests, reassured me it was all ok and said it could be a viral thing, a bit of anxiety, stress etc.

Anyway it went within two weeks so I knew that it was nothing serious.

I guess you have to gauge your own body and learn to know and accept when it is anxiety and equally when something is not right.

Sometimes we will get it wrong and will misjudge it as anxiety but no harm in being safe and reassured is there?

Hope that helps.


06-06-06, 21:17

I actually mentioned this to my doctor when I last spoke to him.

He actually said I could see him and he would take a look but I feel embarrased going there these days as the reception people know me by first name, lol.


06-06-06, 21:24

They know me as well by name but I try to think that they are being friendly and showing an interest not that they think "oh god her she comes again".


06-06-06, 21:32
Well, if i still feel terrible by the weekend then i'll definitely drop in at the doctors - definitely better to feel reassured.
Thanks for replying to me so quickly, Nicola and Tony
Henri x

06-06-06, 21:53
Hi Henri,

I can relate to you totally. Most days I have some kind of ache or pain to remind me I have anxiety. Give yourself another couple of days before you go see doctor.

Mandy xx

07-06-06, 13:08
hi henri i too statred a new job on monday and ive been feeling dizzy and sick too!!i was reading katyf s post and she said she was feeling the same too!daisybun has posted that sometimes if you have a lot of tension in your neck it decreases the blood supply to your ears therefore giving you a kind of motion sickness feeling!!!and ive noticed that for the last few days my shoulders are right up by my ears!!!hope that helps take care rachel x x

07-06-06, 14:02
Hi Henri,

I am in exactly the same position as you. I hate it too and I feel your anguish! Today I am in work and have walk about alot. I just feel life my feet are all over the place and sometimes as though im being held back slightly or falling back on my heels!!??

Its horrible and every step I think might be the last before I collpase. This leads to palps because im scared and then when i sit down evrything is ok again for a while.

I guess you just have to recognise that you haven't fainted yet and in all likelyhood its a symptom of your anxiety. Try and beat it by challenging it in you mind and in your body. I find challengin my symptoms head on helps quite a lot. Saying that, Im still scared to walk around at the moment!! Funny thing is, unlike other people..mine gets worse as the day goes on. I am fine in the morning as my mind has a fresh approach and I bounce about the place. By night i'm a wreck and dread going to bed!

Hope you start feeling better soon Henri.


07-06-06, 15:54
I can totally relate to your post henri. I am the exact same way. I made a rule that I would not go to the doctor unless I had a fever over 99.2. (im not sure what that is in uk measurements.) I also have noticed a pattern. When I am REALLY sick, I am miserble no matter what I am doing. I can be home relaxing in front of the tv and still be miserble. With anxiety, I usually find that if I am in a really comfortable situation I feel better.

Its very hard, and I am often running to the doctor to be told its only "virul" So, I can defn relate...

07-06-06, 22:30
thanks for your replies everyone, they mean a lot.
am feeling much better today, so it probably was panic. how horrible!