View Full Version : flu or cold?

23-12-11, 05:41
Just woke up with a racing heart, freezing cold, dizziness, sore throat, blocked nose and severe stomach pains. I have a massive fear of getting the flu so could this by any chance just be a cold? :( thanks x

---------- Post added at 04:08 ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 ----------

Now getting chest pains aswell :,(

---------- Post added at 05:41 ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 ----------

I can't deal with this anymore, im going to die i know it!
I feel so headachy and painful! my throat is killing me.. I have no one, no one understands, im just sitting here alone at christmas waiting for the flu to kill me. Ive written my family a goodbye note because im that convinced that im going to die, i don't want to leave them, they are my everything. I can't describe the pain and upset i have been through in my life and now this :'( im only 17, and now christmas is ruined.. I beg the lord for some happiness, i pray :'(

23-12-11, 06:36
Oh I'm so sorry you're poorly. I too worry about getting flu especially at this time of year.

If you're aching with a fever it's more likely a type of flu virus, as colds don't usually cause a fever.

Try not to panic, flu won't kill you. Flu would only cause death if you developed a secondary infection and you didn't respond to antibiotics, and even then it would have to be pretty bad. You're 17! Young and fit enough to fight it.

Dose up, have hot lemon drinks that contain paracetamol every 4 hours.

If you're very scared then call your gp for advice, I'm sure they will reassure you x

23-12-11, 21:48
Thankyou for your reply.

Im currently taking trimithoprim for a urine infection i might have and im worried it would cause me to not respond to the antibiotics if i were to develop a secondary infection. :(

I saw the nurse and my temp is only up a little bit, and she seems to think its not the flu, but just a bad throat infection.. do you think this could cause swelling to the throat that i could stop breathing in my sleep or something? im really worried because my head is so congested and i keep coughing which makes me gag :(