View Full Version : Worried about Lymph Nodes :-(

23-12-11, 07:22
I'm 18, and female, and have had a small lump on the left side of my neck of around 2 months. The lump hasn't changed size at all. 3 weeks prior to discovering the lump I had an infection for a month (viral and throat infection). I never took antibiotics when I had the infection as the ones I was given were giving me an upset stomach. Do you think the lump on my neck is related to my infection, or is it something I should be worried about? The lump dosen't seem fixed, and sometimes is soft, sometimes hard. I also noticed around a few weeks ago I also have one on the right side, around 5cm above the collarbone it seems a bit harder then the other one. My underarms have been itchy for a while too.

Not sure if any of this is related but I don't smoke or drink, I have anxiety, and I am a little overweight but I have a relatively good diet and I exercise (cardio) just about every day.

I haven't been to a doctor family thinks it will be a waste of time due to my health anxiety. In January I thought I was having a stroke (it was just an anxiety attack) even went to the emergency room and before the lymphoma scare I convinced myself I had diabetes.

01-01-12, 10:38
Any help? :(

01-01-12, 10:43
What are you worrying about, okay so you've noticed you have lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes can be palpable in their normal state, >2cm is normal. Moreover, if it was cancer-related it (which i assume is the worry), then they would have got bigger - cancer doesn't go on it's own.

I can feel pretty much all my lymph nodes in my neck, armpits and groin. After seeing the doctors about them 4 times, I know from experience what you're going through aha.

Just see a doctor anyway?

04-01-12, 08:31
Unfortunately my doctor has gone away until the 16th of Jan :(

I am so worried! I dont understand why they have been there for a while. They should be gone by now if I was sick in July/August. It's becoming out of control.

Has anyone else had problems with their lymph nodes

04-01-12, 14:35
Hi, I hope this helps a little bit. I have about 4 or 5 nodes in my neck that I can feel. I have always felt them, but recently got freaked out about it and went to my doctor. She said that they don't really worry as long as they are not getting continuously bigger. If it is staying the same size, and is small, you should be just fine. Also if it can move around at all is a good sign. Your lymph node may never go down and that is ok. Mine haven't and it's been years.

There is a thread on here somewhere about who can feel their lymph nodes ... just search for it, it will be very helpful to you as it was for me. Then you will see that tons of people have this and are just fine.

If you are still concerned, just go to a walk-in clinic and in 2 seconds a qualified doc will tell you that you are perfectly healthy :)