View Full Version : Sore throat - please help

23-12-11, 07:38
Hi, on Wednesday evening I came down with a really painful sore throat. I'm starting to panic though coz it feels different to other sore throats I have had. What do you think it is? Could it be serious? Like throat cancer? I'm 24 and I've never smoked. It's so painful, I'm also scared it might be oral thrush? I'm scared it's really bad. Please give me advice?

Please reply
Love Louise x

23-12-11, 07:49
What other symptoms have you got Louise? Can you describe the pain?

23-12-11, 14:23
I have dealt with fear of throat cancer due to an ongoing sore throat this year, and one thing that my doctor told me that has helped a little bit is that throat cancer does not manifest itself as just a sore throat. You would have other symptoms, lose your voice for no reason (without any pain), trouble swallowing, etc instead of just a sore throat.

Try gargling some salt water, that helps me. Or some throat lozenges.

23-12-11, 16:38
The only symptom I have a sore throat which is quite painful. I had a look And I can't see any White spots or anything. What could it be? X

23-12-11, 17:08
I would guess, as I am around the same age as you, that you probably have just caught a bug. Usually my colds start with a sore throat for a few days up to a week, then when they break up that's when I start to get the runny nose/aches etc. Have some vitamin C, that may help it progress faster.

Either that or you just have some postnasal drip which is irritating it, could be from dry winter air and the heat being on, or allergies.

23-12-11, 19:33
Ok well I know of at least 3 people that have sore throats at the moment - it is just a viral thing