View Full Version : low sex drive

06-06-06, 21:50
hi, can anyone offer any advice please, i suffer with high anxiety and i am currently on meds for high blood pressure. i have noticed recently my sex drive has not been very good. i have been through a very anxious state for about six weeks or so. i am not sure now wether this is a build up from my meds [ approx 8 months since starting them] or just because i am going through a very anxious period, just wandered if anyone has had a similar experience and can offer advice, i am seeing my doctor soon and am thinking should i mention it to him. after all how bothered would he be about my concerns for my sex drive?


06-06-06, 23:20
hi dave,,

first thing have you thought about your meds if you are still anxious after 8 months of taking them are they for you?????
i personally dont want meds ,,but hey i have a low sex drive sometimes buddy try not to worry cause when you focus on things as you know they tend to get worse i know this is hard(pardon the pun) but try not to worry,,

i think i would talk to the doc about the meds,,

all the best dave,,

better to fight for something than to live for nothing

07-06-06, 16:33
If you've been on the meds for 8 months and this is a recent developement I would agree it's probably the anxiety. If you're stressed out your not going to feel relaxed or sexy. I've had problems with low libido over the years and (bar when it was due to relationship problems) it's usually been at times of greater stress. My partner (male) has in the pst had disfunction problems, and I know we both found that the worst thing you can do is wind yourself up, it WILL get better.

The best thing I can suggest is to try and really care for yourself, not just relaxation work but also just focussing on self esteem. You don't say if you have a partner, but if so, do talk to them, then there's no assumed pressure from them, and focus on being intimate in other ways. As for your doctor, Yes they will be interested, this impacts on your sense of self and your quality of life. If its meds-related they can change drugs sometimes, if not they can at least offer advice and reassurance. Hang in ther love :)

07-06-06, 16:57

Try these...

va va voom!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4233)
embarrassing question about citalopram & sex drive (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6266)

Sex in general is crap
sex?! no thanx! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4302)
Cipralex and sex (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2485)
personal question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3758)
Sex Life??? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5037)


marie ross
07-06-06, 17:10
Hi Dave

My sex drive has took a back seat since anxiety came into my life. Its been well over a year now, and it still has'nt made an appearance much to my partners despair!!! I'm not on any meds, but its hard to feel sexy when you've got so many unwanted thoughts running through your mind constantly or you think you've got lots of physical symtoms wrong with you. I'd ask your doctor for advice, it could be your meds you never know. Anxiety is also good at controlling your feelings and i tend to feel quite low and find it hard to tell my partner how i'm feeling (does that make sense???)

Take care.

Marie XXX

07-06-06, 21:04
hi thanx to you all for your replies, it does help to hear from other people who are experiencing the same problem. i have heard of a natural product called macca which is claimed to boost libido does anyone know if this could be taken with prescription meds? thanx again dave.
